
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, August 17, 2006

a little glitch...

with the insurance company. just when we think that the speech therapy and e-stim might be working a bit for the bells palsy, we get a phone call at 7:30 yesterday morning that they are cancelling our appts because the insurance company can't decide if we can go back.

right now we are just waiting to hear-apparently the first 10 appts were ok, but now they need to re-evaluate. so we will wait and see.

this afternoon we go see the neuro-opthamologist in hershey to check out the eyes again. tims vision is pretty good but he has been having a lot of tearing in the one eye (infact it is either tearing or really dry) and really dry in the other eye-we think the dry is from some minor graft vs host issues because his mouth is so dry also and that is one of the common signs of GVH. so, we are just following up to make sure that there is nothing new on the horizon.

well, i have to get meg to field hockey practice.

thanks for ckecking in-we will be in touch.

tim and tammy

(ps-hi cindy k. we know you are out there and still praying)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These little glitches are reason for us to pray even harder. We will get busy! Enjoy this beautiful day.

August 17, 2006 8:57 AM  
Blogger Deb D said...

Insurance companies... you've gotta love 'em. Thankfully the last of our paperwork from Mark's part of the adventure came through yesterday. God's the captain of this ship, so be assured that it's in His control, just as every other part of the journey has been.
Love ya,

August 17, 2006 12:13 PM  

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