
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, February 11, 2007


this post will make the "200th" time that i have entered an update on tim since this whole mess started. thanks for hanging on all that time.

the latest update on his condition: tim is on an anti-viral medication for one month for the violent viral erruption that he had in his mouth and throat. he also developed a wicked sinus infection (like about half the harrisburg population) and is on antibiotic for 10 days. over the weekend he was in terrible pain between the two and also started on some heavy duty pain meds. i am happy to say that today-sunday-we are starting to see a definate improvement. he has been able to eat a bit more and has gone from a bright red and blotchy face to a pale and pasty face to a much better color face today.

thanks for all your prayers and concern over the last few days. we have been so lucky that he hasn't had to battle anything really major since his transplant about 9 months ago. this was a bit of a scare...when he gets hit with something he really gets hit hard. his energy level took a dive, but already is coming back a bit. each day gets a bit better...and i am now off for a couple of days which usually helps.

take care and as always thanks for checking in (the last 200 times).

tim and tammy


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