
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, July 15, 2007


...sorry for the long break but the long break this time means things are GOOD!!

we actually were "kid-less" for 52 hours and we took advantage of all 52 hours.

we took an overnight road trip to berwick (first time since easter i think)
visited his dad's new pad
ate homemade ice cream at a local carnival
ate his favorite berwick pizza
played mini-golf (he lost)
ate out (often)

the kids were at harrisburg invasion...the latest poll shows that there were over 3000 people in that community (18th and derry street) that attended the block party and 60 responded to a salvation message. the kids had such an awesome time. it is a humbling experience to go into certain parts of the city and mingle and see how others really touched my kids lives too.

the girls have been filling us in on numerous stories and testimonies of how kids lives were touched over the last few brings tears to your eyes. thanks go out to all the staff that made this experience possible.

well...the crew is coming home from soccer practice. time to start the washing machine AGAIN.

thanks for checking in.

we go back to the day hospital on monday but don't actually see the doctor until the 30th.

tim and tammy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad for the kid-less time you two were able to spend together. It was great to see both of you at Hbg. Invasion! Looking forward to seeing Tim back in church! Have a great week! We continue to pray!

July 16, 2007 4:14 PM  

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