
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Saturday, August 19, 2006

the weekend is here...

and so is another headache. tim has been getting pretty bad headaches the last couple of days. i think it may be from the steroid drops, he thinks it is sinus related...our transplant coordinator was out sick today-so we are going to give it another day or so.

the speech therapy people want us to meet with the neurology people.
the eye doctor people want us to meet with the neurology people.
the insurance people are insisting that we meet with the neurology people.

the neurology people are very busy people...first available appt is october 24th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(and that is not the first choice doctor-i don't think the first choice doctor has any openings until 2007-we have to go to palmyra to see someone)

so, what do we do...i guess we go to the last 4 appt of speech therapy that they are allowing and we pray for a cancellation or two or twenty. they are talking about putting a gold weight in tims has been open since april 25th...and they feel that it could very well become a good source of infection. oh, but they probably won't do that either until we see the neurologist.

so there we want to know what to pray about..pray that all this bells palsy stuff just goes away and we can move on and just concentrate on the transplant stuff.

well, going to have to get some sleep. hope you all have a great weekend. the twins went to the beach with the youth from church for about 30 hours. they are having a blast. meg is recovering from week one of pre-season field hockey.

thanks for checking in...oh, meg's field hockey team is washing cars on sunday-come see us after church at the commerce bank in union deposit. (11am-3pm)

tim and tammy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will be praying with you. Cancellations can happen any day. Love you guys,

August 19, 2006 8:00 AM  

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