
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

tuesday morning update...

the shopping trip was an educational experience for a 70-year old grandmother...she was not familiar with some of the shops she was in yesterday and at times she tryed to figure out why so many skull and cross bones (which my kids are NOT allowed to buy) and why a pair of jeans with paint and grease and holes all over them would cost almost $100.

infact, at times i would turn around and she would be laughing hysterical at a display...we had a great time although we really didn't buy that much.

tim and dad were to spend the day together fixing up a few things around the house...and then they came to megs field hockey game.

all in all it was a pretty good day. tim felt much better yesterday and i suppose his biggest complaint now is the side effects of the high dose steroids. we need to watch the liver a bit ...the enzymes were really good until we started dropping the steroids and then they started to rise again...but he can't stay on the steroids forever.
it is my understanding that the steroids stop the reactions that are caused from the graft vs host. this would be the stomach issues and the liver issues and even possibly the headaches. they talked about another drug that we could try that doesn't have as many negative side effects and it stops the production of the cells that cause the is kinda in the "chemo" family of drugs. it is a tad bit risky because it lowers the blood counts, but if they can't get him off the high dose steroids those long term side effects could be worse. is a waiting game of try a little of this and try a little of that.

no appts today-WOW.

kelsey plays field hockey at 4pm so we have a free day to catchup on all the cleaning and laundry from the weekend.

the plumbing is fixed
the van is not...i guess we are going to go and get some estimates today. no one has an old transmission laying around in their back yard do they???

thanks for checking in...

tim and tammy


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