
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, April 20, 2008


we are sometimes feeling like we are running in circles and never really getting anywhere. this last week was a very "downer" week to say the least. we haven't really said much to anyone about tim because we still have not seen the doctor and tim doesn't want to play 20 questions with everyone, but here goes anyway:

as you all know tim has been growing these lymphoma tumors in various locations in his body but they have ALWAYS been on his left side (kinda odd). since his second relapse of the lymphoma he has received 3 doses of a chemotherapy called ICE. we are due to go in for the 4th dose as soon as his counts recover...probably on this thursday. (platelets today were back in the 50's). recently he has noticed that the original tumor on his left arm has reappeared and for the very FIRST time he found a tumor on his RIGHT arm.

now as the kids would don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that this is probably NOT a good thing after just having 3 rounds of chemo.

if you all are like us we are FULL of questions...what does this mean? will we still get more ICE? is it bad that the tumor came back? is it worse that the new tumor developed on his right side? how are they going to stop these tumors now? this list just goes on and on and on...

unfortunately we have NO ANSWERS for you today...and probably not tomorrow either...

sorry about that...but we promise that when we know we will let you know.

not much more to say...good days and bad days.

keep praying...especially for WISDOM. we feel that some major decisions are going to have to be made about treatment options and we all need WISDOM...the docs need it and tim and i need it.

pray for tims SPIRITS to stay above has been an emotionally challenging week for the whole family (kids included). the kids are the ones with some of the best questions...we just wish we had some of the answers. sometimes i wonder how they keep going at the pace they go...but then i think it is the best thing for them. we have a very OPEN line of communication with them about the cancer and the treatment secrets. i think when they finally realized that we were not hiding anything it made it easier for them not to worry as much.

they know they can ask us anything they want...about the cancer, about the treatment, about the doctors, about the odds of beating this thing, about death, about life, about quality of life, about prayer, about healing, about anything they want!!! it does get interesting sometimes, but always ends up a good thing. we feel knowledge is important and trust is important and honesty is important.

well, enough rambling for one night...three in bed and two to go.

hope you all have enjoyed this wonderful weather the past few days...and even the rain was enjoyable today because i LOVE thunder storms.

thanks for checking in

keep praying.

tim and tammy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for a much better week. We love you guys and keep you in our prayers.
Ray and Sandy

April 21, 2008 7:17 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...


We continue to pray for all of you daily. I have been sick the last two weeks so I have been out of touch. I am sure this is very hard but I am glad to hear that you are all open and honest with each other because I do believe that is the best for all. It is hard to hide your feelings and stay sane. You are one of the best families I ever knew and I hope if you need anything... you give us a call. I pray for a miracle all the time for Tim.
Love you all!


April 21, 2008 12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for wisdom and peace AND HEALNG. Love
Jim and Judy

April 21, 2008 9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sit here reading your last blog and I wonder how can this wonderful man, father, and friend can take any more that is being dealt to him-how can the familY stay so strong? How can this amazimg wife hold it together(steph keeps asking me if I want her to do the typing because I messing up-lol)I sit back and think about my daily life and the problems I face and they are nothing compared to yours- I try day in and day out to get by and my problems are so minor compared to yours-when people ask me who my hero is I say Tammy Dewalt-When I grow upaI want to be just like you- I want to know the love that you know and I long to have faith that you have- we love you guys and are here no matter what-,you are always in our hearts and our prayers

April 21, 2008 10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tam, Tim, girls! Amidst our chaos here, we've not kept in touch very well. But we're always praying, expecting, and believing for complete healing and also for what each of you needs every single day until Tim's healing is finished. Hang in there. God's working always for your best whether you can see it at the moment or not. I can't wait until we all get to see the big beautiful picture! Love you guys!

April 22, 2008 10:53 AM  

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