
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, August 24, 2008

another sunday already

...this is a BIG sunday night for our kids. their first day of school is tomorrow and they are expected to be in homeroom by 7:47am. megan is a senior and the twins are sophomores...hard to believe.

even tho they have been busy with summer assignments and field hockey and yearbook i think they still get the "jitters" the night before the first day.

tim has had an interesting week...not one of his best. he started the week off with severe left eye pain (pain and double vision and blurry). he also has been having some bleeding issues with trying to get the blood thinner regulated. so...we had previously made an appt to see an eye specialist and the soonest we could get in was october 15th...they made an urgent request and we were able to be seen the next morning. they had suspected a blood clot was putting pressure on the eye but from what they were able to see, there was no evidence of any clot forming. they said there was a chance that it was all medication driven symptoms or there may be a tumor growing. so our eye guy is going to talk to our cancer guy and sort it all out. we suspect that an MRI is right around the corner.

tims stomach has been giving him much grief. could be the drop in the steroids or any number of other things. he just hasn't had one of his better weeks...he did get into work some and out to golf some (thank you kevin). he is not sleeping the best and seems to run out of energy a bit quicker than he would like...but he is still going!!! he was able to get to see the girls play field hockey on saturday at a camp hill play day...6-twenty minute games in a four hour period. that took a lot out of him but he loves watching the girls play.

wondering what we are going to do this little league world series...

keep praying.

thanks for checking in.

tim and tammy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that Tim is not up to snuff. I guess it's no surprise that his system rebels from all the medications and poking and prodding...
Have I told you guys how proud of you I am?
I shared a little of your story with my non-believing niece tonight. Your family is a wonderful witness of persistent and resistent faith in action and God's love and faithfulness in His children's lives.
Virtual hugs for all...
Aunt Katie

August 25, 2008 2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying the doctors can get it all sorted out for Tim. School starting is a big change. Enjoy. Praying.
Jim and Judy

August 25, 2008 8:12 AM  

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