
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Monday, August 11, 2008

i know you are all waiting...

...he was only 1 hour behind schedule today-that is not too bad.

we had not been in the clinic to have a real sit-down appt with our doctor since mid-january. we were a little tense going into the meeting but once we were there it actually went pretty well (considering).

some of the high-lights of the meeting:

-we are going to start to drop down on the steroid level (kinda scary but tim is having some eye issues and the doc thinks it may be related to the steroids).

-we are able to wean off the lovenox (heparin shots) and switch to the coumadin blood thinner (giving us a huge savings of over $400 month in pharmacy co-pays).

-the doc says the cancer seems to be stable for the time being and that it is fine with him that we are taking a break.

-when we asked him about time-lines he said that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to predict. it will depend on how and when the cancer presents itself...the cancer is still in there in multiple tumors but not very active at the moment.

-if a tumor decides to begin to grow and is giving him lots of pain they could try to radiate it and shink it abit.

-if a couple of tumors get active and he wants to try more chemo they would be willing to give it a try but won't really give any promises other than to maybe slow it down abit.

-if all the tumors become active and crazy all at the same time it would be doubtful that they could do anything for him.

-the quote of the meeting was "so late in the game". being that the cancer has multiple relapses and has been treated with multiple chemo's and keeps changing the way it is acting so many is impossible to predict how it will act and when it will act. numerous times he mentioned the fact that it was "so late in the game". i think we GET IT>

-he said for now we will wait until it presents itself and then we deal with it.

so...we are now in the mode where we make changes to help tim feel his best and get stronger and we only have to see the doctor every 4 weeks as long as all stays quiet. we will go through our transplant coordinator for anything funky. pray that he can make the drop in the steroids without hurting anyone...those things are wicked to come off of.

overall i think the meeting went well...remember this is the doctor that just lost his wife a month ago to cancer...he knows where we are more than anyone.

right is good. we take the advise of a friend and wake up everyday thanking GOD for his miracle in tims life. it is truely a miracle that he is still here with us and we need to enjoy and appreciate each and every day that we have together.

thanks for checking in.

tim and tammy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We also thank God for Tim's life. God is good. Enjoy the beautiful weather. Praying.
Jim and Judy

August 12, 2008 9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your family is a testimony to the goodness of God. You are a blessing to many. Will continue to lift you up and agree that it is a good thing for all of us to thank God everyday for the time He gives us. Thanking you for the time you take to let us know how everything is going. Sending love and prayers from NC

August 12, 2008 1:03 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. We need to thank God every day for what we have. Praying for Tim to get strong and enjoy everything he wants to do. God is in control and we just need to have faith that he will help us through what ever we need. Thanks for the updates Tammy - we really do appreciate your time and energy. We really want to get together soon. We are in the process of cleaning out the house, which has to be done and now we have the dumpsters there so we need to get it down. I'll be in touch.

Love, Wendy

August 12, 2008 1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are thanking God with you for each day and praying for your strength to continue.

Pastor and Nancy

August 12, 2008 2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the encouragment of your friend.  Enjoy every brand new day as much as you can. You've seen tons of miracles along the way and knowing God's abundant heart, you'll see many more. I'm trusting in God's good plan for you guys. He never screws up anything. I pray you guys are filled up with hope and trust. You're in the best of hands.

Love ya!

August 13, 2008 10:29 AM  

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