
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, December 07, 2008

cold and windy...

wow...i am glad to have a roof over my head tonight. that wind chill rips right through you.

well...another sunday night update and still not much to say. we had a decent week although i believe tim has something a bit odd going on with his left arm. it seems pretty swollen at times and pains him some. we will be keeping an eye on that.

as far as the tumor that they removed...the "preliminary" report showed that it was consistant with a lipoma which is a type of fatty tissue tumor that is usually no more than an annoyance...but (don't ya love the buts) because of the history and bizarreness of his illness they have decided to send out slides to have it tested to see if perhaps it is more than it appears.

so...hopefully we will have an answer on wednesday when we see the radiology oncology guy...he has tim all marked for radiation treatments pending the results of these special tests they sent out.

as always i will update with any new developments as they occur...but in the mean time life just goes on. kids have school and parents have jobs and like most people out there christmas is approaching a bit faster than we would like. this might be a record year for us to NOT have our tree up yet. i am not a big fan of all the decorating nonsense that goes on this time of year but tim is a HUGE fan of all the decorating nonsense that goes on this time of year...but even he doesn't seem to have that motivation that he usually has by now. i think some night this week we will try to muster up enough energy to put up the tree. (we have an artificial tree since kelsey has such a severe allergy to the real ones so it just means a trip to the attic).

my washing maching has just stopped so i better get going.

thanks for checking in

tim and tammy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Enjoy this winter weather!! Praying.
Jim and Judy

December 08, 2008 8:16 AM  

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