risking life and limb...

...there are friends and then there are true friends
once upon a time there was a woman
this woman disliked parties
this woman really disliked surprises
this woman outright hated surprise parties
this woman had 3 daughters (had being the operative word here)
one of the daughters decided that she wanted to do something special for her mother's b-day
this daughter called one of her mom's friend's
this friend said that she wasn't sure this was such a great idea (and then went and took a nitro)
but my daughter somehow convinced my x-friend to help her throw this surprise party
i believe her words were something along the line of...but if you come it will ok...she really likes you. (sucker)
so...PETRIFIED and risking life and limb plans were finalized and to my utter amazement...they pulled off a surprise b-day party for me "at my house" on sunday evening.
YES...i hate surprises
YES...i hate to be the center of attention
but REALLY...who could stay mad at a group of friends who would risk everything to help out one of my kids.
now...the kids on the other hand...we are going to have one very long chat tonight!!!!
it was not my "thing" but we did really have a wonderful time and the gifts...well...lets just say they were very unique. (keep in mind i am on a low carb diet)
***one package contained 4-STEAKS
***one package contained lemon garlic CHICKEN (wrapped in M&M paper and placed in a day spa box)
***one package contained a GIANT gift card with a note attached that it was for lean and green foods only and would self-explode if i attempted to buy sweets
***one package contained LOTTERY TCKS which we won $18 to go buy more meat i guess
***one package contained a non-edible party game
***one was an invite to go out for dinner (at a non-pasta place i'm sure)
talk about true friends...but don't think they were SAINTS
***2 homemade strawberry pies
***1 huge b-day cake
***shoefly pie (that was ours)
***homemade potato salad (thanks laura...it was wonderful)
***chips, cheese puffs, veggies and dip, lotsa fruit
***burgers and dogs (cooked by the neighbor and megan)
it was really a nice evening...but this had better be it for the surprises.
no more ms nice guy.
thanks for checking in
That was very sweet. I am not the center of attention person either. I am glad you enjoyed yourself, you deserve it.
Happy belated birthday!
From another who does not enjoy being the center of attention, you acquitted yourself well. I would have broken into a sweat and started to hyperventilate. But other than that, I would have had no symptoms.
Happy birthday!
Chips, cheese puffs, and shoefly pie was brought out by yourself! What good ex friends you have. You did great and will work off the calories in no time.
ms ps. you can even pick a pasta place if you are good
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