
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Friday, October 13, 2006

go hanna

today is susquehanna school "spirit" day...everything is red and white and black in our house today...including shoes, clothing, skin, hair...homecoming tonight and the kids are PUMPED.

the eye appt went well yesterday. the upper lid is doing what it is supposed to do with the eye weights help, but the lower lid is not rising to the occasion, so the lid does not still fully close. (but he can blink which is good) they discussed other options for down the road if the bells palsy never clears up. they also are a bit concerned about the tear duct on that side...especially with the cold weather coming. but for now, it is just something to watch.

monday he is back to the oncologist to look over more labs and steroid review.

i have been feeling a bit left out lately so i decided that i would make an appt for myself today...i get to go to the doctor for bloodwork and blood pressure re-check. no fair that tim gets ALL the fun.

tonight megan plays hershey in field hockey and kelsey plays milton hershey in field hockey. our favorite thing to do down here on a friday night is travel 322 back and forth to hershey. actually, tim can't handle the cold so he is opt'd out of the outdoor fall sports for now. tonight is homecoming ...lots of hot chocolate to be sold tonight.

good luck to all the friday night football teams (go bulldogs-beat curry)

thanks for checking in...

tim and tammy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun with your blood work Tammy. You could draw your own and would do a better job than anyone else! I am heading home today from Delaware. I will miss Lucas after spending the week with him. He is still smiling at me, which is good! Give Megan a big hug for us as her 16th Bday approaches! We are praying for you and will continue to pray.
Have a great weekend.

October 13, 2006 9:30 AM  

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