
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, March 16, 2008

a new week begins...

not much new here except that we are mourning the loss of the state championship game friday night...oh well, the boys had a good year.

the official girls high school soccer season gets underway this week. both of the twins play. the kids have a 4 day week (off good friday) with 3 soccer games. here we go!!! meg doesn't do the soccer thing...she is pretty busy this marking period...this weekend she did "habitat for humanity", wrote a research paper, worked on the yearbook, crammed for a honors physics exam, cleaned her car, helped teach a sunday school class, covered in the church nursery during the morning service and had time to attend a friends b-day party. not real sure where soccer would fit into that schedule.

tim has had a decent weekend...not a great one, but decent. we have a day hospital appt monday at 1pm and a CT scan at 5:30pm. (i think that rules out the first soccer game).

we are tentatively scheduled for admission on thursday (that wipes out the third soccer game)for more much for the easter egg hunt too. haven't really heard too much about that yet...they will wait for the scan results to decide which way to go.

we will let you all know any info as it becomes available.

thanks for checking in

tim and tammy


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