
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Saturday, May 10, 2008

we survived...

yes...we feel proud...we are not too old to host a house full of teenagers AND SURVIVE.

i didn't get the "teen" scoop yet but we think the party was a success. (there are still multiple bodies here and appearantly isn't over quite yet) we didn't have to call any parents or the police. thank goodness the rain held off during the party and the kids could hang out out back and use the trampoline and roast s'mores on the fire pit (i love that thing). megan had to stay home and help chaperone (poor kid) but it must not have been too bad because before i knew it she had about 5-6 friends over to roast a marshmellow or two.

tim had an appt on friday at the day hospital. he was dragging going in but they must have boosted him up a bit while he was there because he was a real trooper last night. he had to get a liter of fluids and a dose of platelets. (i think they had dropped to an 8). his red cell count is dropping and he will probably need blood on sunday or tuesday. we are not sure when he will go back in for another round, but we are guessing memorial day weekend.

once we clear out the house and try to find the basement floor again we are heading to selinsgrove to meet my parents for a combined mothers day celebration. we are going to BJ's (one of my favorites). we decided to go out a day early because tim and i will be spending a large portion of sunday at the hospital. (hopefully we will not fall asleep during dinner).

have a wonderful weekend and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you mom's out there.

thanks for checking in

tim and tammy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day. Heard the party was a lot of fun!!!! Take care and we will continue to pray.

May 11, 2008 11:26 PM  

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