
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Monday, September 22, 2008

happy first day of fall...

it was a crazy week last week and we are hoping for a much calmer one this week. Kelsey has an 8am doctors appt to get "cleared" to play field hockey again...she is ready!!! she was only out 5 days but missed three games (including the one that she got hurt). they have another 3 games this week.

tim is hanging in there...i hate to keep using the word "issues" but we have no other category to put his problems into except maybe "annoyances". i guess you get to the point when you have to decide what you are going to tell the doctor and what you are going to just let slide and see what happens. that happened late last week. i wanted to call the doctor and he wanted to wait...mostly because he wanted to spend ALL DAY sunday at the bloomsburg fair (which we did and it was, friends and food...PERFECT DAY)

he is having some problems with his legs and his circulation or perhaps his veins...we are not quite sure exactly what it is but it sometimes causes quite a bit of pain followed by bruising in his lower legs. at first it sort of resembled a blood clot but he is on the blood thinner and it later hit both of his legs so we ruled that out. he is still QUITE functional but like i said it is just an issue or an annoyance. if it doesn't get any worse my best guess is that he will just follow up with the doctor on his next weeks appt. he goes in for bloodwork today but doesn't have to see the doc until next week.

the doctor is "extremely" interested in what a PET scan would show on tim...that is the scan that shows the "hot" spots that are cancerous. he has a few new bumps and lumps that are making us all curious...BUT due to insurance rules and regulations and us not having the many thousands of dollars to pay cash...we have to wait until mid-october for the scan. that seems to be OK with tim.

so for now...we do what we do. we deal with each day as it comes and enjoy it as much as we can. that seems to be working pretty well so far. have a GREAT DAY.

thanks for checking in.

tim and tammy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blood work may shed light on what is possibly going on with the legs. Praying. Enjoy this beautiful weather.
Jim and Judy

September 22, 2008 8:28 AM  

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