special request...

we seem to have adopted a fury fellow...and we are not the least bit thrilled.
it is not bad enough that we have squirrels and groundhogs and cats and kittens but now we have a skunk. we have had numerous "sightings" of this critter and he seems to like when we make a fire...but one story in particular stands out.
the other night tim and i had just gotten home from picking up kids at church and he decided to help me drag the garbage cans down to the road for pick-up the next morning. it was dark and we have cans with "issues"...the squirrels have eaten their way into our cans. they have eaten the lids and they have eaten the sides and they have eaten the bottoms...and occasionally (like on a daily basis) they throw garbage all over our back yard. so...tim was doing his routine of kicking the garbage back into the hole in the side of the can and i was grabbing the can lid and reaching into the side of the can (because they have also eaten this particular handle) and when i pulled the can towards me to drag it down to the curb...guess what was looking up at me...you guessed it!!! the skunk was in the can...and my husband was kicking it in the butt each time he kicked more garbage into the can...IF ONLY ONE WOULD HAVE HAD OF VIDEO OF WHAT HAPPEN NEXT...i know we would have won america's home video show's top prize.
it is hard to exactly describe what took place in the seconds following but i can tell you that tim can still MOVE...just not for very long...i am still trying to get the grass stain out of his jeans!!! luckily the skunk was laughing to hard to spray us and just waddled out of the hole and through the back yard. tim was able to get up eventually...and nothing was broken.
yes...we know we need new cans. everytime we replace the cans the squirrels eat the cans. the metal cans are way to small for the amount of trash this family of 5+ puts out there. we have tryed repellant and we have tryed duct tape and we have tryed hot peppers and we have tryed things that i won't even list here on the world wide web...
just another typical week here in the land of the dewalts...the wedding was great!!! i will have an update on tim's wedding day SURPRISE later on this week. i also will be updating on our doctors appt that we have tomorrow...so stay tuned. you will not have to wait a week for the next update.
thanks for checking in
tim and tammy
ps...any advise on squirrels or skunks?? send it our way.
No advice on scunks but the update and mental pictures are priceless!! Praying for your appointment.
God bless!
Jim and Judy
OOPH! I spelled skunks wrong on first E-mail!!
Buy it a TuTu and call it a pet!!
But be sure to get that video recorder!!!
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