Spring has sprung...

...and what a beautiful day it was.
...until i came to the realization that everyone in my house had on shorts and t-shirts and sandels.
you would think that having lost the 40 pounds i would be excited about the spring time and the capris and the shorts and the...i can't even hardly bring myself to say it...the bathing suits.
instead i find myself very upset that i have slacked off the last few weeks...today was an eye-opener. i am so not ready for the shorts and beach wear yet...time to get back in the groove.
time to hit the treadmill and bow-flex again and rid my system of all that sugar.
i started reading a book...i won't comment of the who or the what yet because i have just started it but so far i think it was written just for me. it talks about all the multitude of excuses that we tend to use to delay or post-pone things we don't really want to do. it is not a diet book but rather book about attitudes and taking responsibility for your own actions in all aspects of your life.
right now i am reading about the 18 most common excuses that people use...here are a few...see if you find any of them familiar:
1. it will be difficult
2. it will take a long time
3. no one will help me
4. i'm too old
5. i'm too busy
6. i don't have the energy
7. i am too scared
8. it's too big
9. it's going to be risky
i am embarrassed to say that out of the 18 excuses i have used over half of them at one time or another. the author goes on to give positive affirmations for each of the 18 excuses and can i just tell you that they can make you feel a little uncomfortable. this is one of those books that may take me awhile to read...i have started to really think about what excuses i have used for avoiding this diet of mine...so i am going to try and apply these principles to my diet life and see what happens.
i will let you know as i go along. so far the affirmations are a little hard to argue with:
it will be difficult=i have the ability to accomplish any task i set my mind to with ease and comfort.
no one will help me=the right circumstances and the right people are already here and will show up on time.
wish me luck as i attempt to rid my world of the excuses that have been holding me back...i really do want to be healthy and in better shape...and i need to get back on track.
thanks for checking in
hope you got your free rita's today
Tammy, we are here to help and give support. One day at a time. Praying for you guys.
Jim and Judy
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