go lions...

we just got home from state college...we were able to get some tickets for the first game and i happened to be off work this weekend so off we went. (me and the girls and a couple of their friends)
it was a great day. the temperature stayed PERFECT for me...it was a nice and windy 65 degrees and i was thrilled. (kids were a little chilled but oh well...) PSU secured their first win of the season and i ACTUALLY GOT TO SEE THE BLUE BAND PLAY ON THE FIELD. i have been to many many games but this is the first time that i wasn't sitting in a rain poncho or throwing snow balls. it was GREAT.
after the game we stopped by megan's apartment for a visit. she is fighting a cold so if you have a minute say a little prayer for her but other than that all is good in happy valley.
hope you are all enjoying your labor day weekend.
take care and thanks for checking in
I was thinking about you guys yesterday. I thought that you were at the game. We watched it on TV. Hopefully Meg will be feeling better. Go Lions,
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