
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, June 14, 2007

another day off...

we are home today. i am a little surprised that they gave us today off...he is back to being sick to his stomach again. yesterday once at the hospital and again at home in the evening. he is eating breakfast right now with his bowl by his side. he is struggling a bit this morning. they have him back on the morphine for the pain. he is not happy about this...but they are concerned that the increase in pain could be due to tumor growth and not we have to settle things down a bit so they can monitor his pain level better. they just are not quite sure what to do with him we wait.

his dad is coming down for a visit today. he brings us Dalo's pizza from a local berwick bakery...the kids haven't found any harrisburg pizza that they like better than this.

doubtful we will have too much on our plate today...meg is at hersheypark with some friends...the twins are outside "hangin" with some of their big plans are to hit the grocery store.

thanks for checking in...

tim and tammy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are with you guys in this "waiting" period. God's timing is always perfect. Tough to understand for us, but He knows what He is doing. Love you guys and are praying!

June 14, 2007 2:11 PM  
Blogger Bryn said...

Praying that every day gets better for you guys. Williamsport's Relay For Life starts Friday at 4. My team had its final fundraiser tonight (Vera Bradley Bingo- something so very un-Tim like!) and the excitement and enthusiasm is wonderful. Know that there are a ton of people walking for a cure... and many prayers coming your way. God bless! Bryn

June 14, 2007 10:49 PM  

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