
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

i tryed... sneak past another birthday but i guess i got caught.

thanks to all who keep much better track of peoples birthdays than i do...i am now officially over half way to 90...yippie.

tim is hanging in there. the chemo makes him very WIRED...he sits...he stands...he paces...he wants to eat...he wants to go for a ride...he paces some more...hopefully this will settle down in a couple of days. he has the HICCUPS again. (not just the little annoying hiccups) these are the hard hiccups that can (and have) made him sick. his esophagus is a mess again. food and drink gets caught half way down...and it causes him lots of pain and discomfort. but tim is hanging in there.

i HATE this week. in addition to tim being post-chemo, the kids are doing the cramming for finals we just found out that tims uncle (freds brother-from hershey) who we thought was just battling diabetes actually is filled with cancer. he is in the med center also and every chance we get we are going in to visit with him (very sad). there is really nothing they can do for him except keep him comfortable. (pray for this family). he is a good man and has been so supportive of our family these past couple of years...always checking up on us and worried about tim (and still is)...a good man.

on a positive note...i guess...we got to visit with tims cousin yesterday. she is slightly older than tim and just finishing up chemo treatment and surgery for breast cancer...then she is off to radiation land. (yes...when tim started this whole cancer thing a few years back...none of this other stuff was happening). we thought we were sad that we are becoming the norm. there are SO MANY families hit with this cancer stuff. i feel for them all.

so...i spent my birthday with a trip to see uncle rich (dealing with cancer) and a short visit with donna (dealing with cancer) and a trip to the day hospital with tim (dealing with cancer)...i was starting to feel guilty having so much hair!!! and tim wonders why when i came home i wanted to get outside and mow the grass!!!! last night i think i could have mowed the whole block!!!

well...not much more to say.

thanks for checking in.

tim and tammy the lab crew at BHC...thank you again. (it brought tears to my eyes...i probably would have cryed but i was driving). i went home and ate a s'more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday! We all have to do what we need to do. If mowing is your "thing"....mow away baby! I honestly don't know what I would do if I were in your shoes..and I feel like crying after a day at school with whining kids; reading the blogs puts things in perspective and makes me feel terrible for complaining about stupid stuff. Your family blogs in a strange way help us all. Hope Tim is feeling better. Tell him I said Hi.s

June 04, 2008 5:36 PM  

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