
sorry i haven't been posting much lately...between my work and the kids i have been pretty busy and pretty tired at night.
i wanted to give you all an update on tim's cousin that was diagnosed with colon cancer recently...i was in to see him after work today and he is doing very well. he had surgery to remove the cancer last friday and has been recovering quite well. hopefully he will be able to get home tomorrow or thursday. over the years he has had his share of the hershey med center and he is itching to get home.
thanks for all your prayers. we are not quite sure what type of follow-up he is going to need with regards to the pathology report...so keep praying.
kelsey is leaving first thing in the morning for mt union, pa
it is CREATION time again...lots of loud christian music and lots of hot and sweating teenagers. she is going with a youth group from one of her friends church and she is so excited...5 days living in a tent with portable bathrooms and limited water supply for showers...as tempting as that may sound...i think i will sit this one out.
ashley has this awesome babysitting job working for her concussion doctor...tomorrow she is getting paid to spend the day at hersheypark...rough life these kids have.
megan is good...just finished up 2 college classes at PSU and is back to working for the midtown scholar bookstore again this summer. she is actually over visiting with craig right now...i am proud of all my kids. as sick of the med center as they must be...they ALL have made the effort and taken the time (on their own) to go and spend some time with craig after his surgery.
well...thats about it for now.
big premier tonight...my 17 year olds are going to the 12:01am showing of that new twilight movie that comes out. i am not much into the vampire stuff but they are hooked on this series. these are the stand-up poster guys that we have throughout our house (now those things i have had a blast with...i hide them behind chairs and behind curtains...freaks out the teens...fun times)
thanks for checking in
Thanks for taking my kid to the premier. she loved it.
You have great girls. Craig really enjoyed their visits and yours as well. Megan and Craig are Braves buddies. He is enjoying being home - first night went to a baseball game Dad was coaching (I made him ask the doctor for permission before we left the hospital)He said he is tired of laying around. They told him as long as he is not playing, he can go. He still does not have much of an appetite but that will come. Thanks to everyone for your prayers.
I'm beginning to think you got stuck under that cart! :)
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