really rough day...

i woke up to tim being sick to his stomach and from the looks of it i will be going to bed to tim being sick to his stomach. (if we get to bed)
each round of chemo seems to get a bit worse...this day is one that he will want to forget and never repeat. i wasn't really sure i was going to be able to get him to the day hospital...we had to pull over once (he was sick) and even once we were there it was a LONG trip to the 6th floor. we got there and there was NO BED...all the spots were full...he must have really looked bad because another patient gave up his bed for tim and just took a chair. (thank you sir).
they took one look at him and started the ball rolling...soon he had a bed and a blanket and his labs drawn and some IV fluids running and some IV zofran for his stomach and some IV morphine for the pain and some IV dextrose for his low blood sugar. we are so blessed to have such a wonderful nursing staff that are actually concerned and so compassionate. they have gotten to know tim so well and feel so bad when he has days like this. the one nurse just kept saying she just wanted to hug him and make him feel better...i wouldn't squeeze too tight today!!!
they had him feeling somewhat human again but it really was just a temporary fix...tonight he is pretty crappy again. he is so uncomfortable and hurts all over...but he can't take anything by mouth without getting sick. we are not due back until saturday at noon...but if needed we can go in tomorrow for another quick fix. he has lost 8 pounds in about 4 days and is still dropping. his platelets are down to a 28 so he will automatically get a dose on saturday.
hoping for a better day tomorrow.
thanks for checking in
tim and tammy
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