...thanks for that little motivator deb.
lets see...in the last few days i have been:
from from harrisburg to princeton nj
from princeton nj to harrisburg
from harrisburg to hershey
from hershey to harrisburg
from harrisburg to berwick
from berwick to east stroudsburg
from east stroudsburg to princeton nj
from princeton nj to harrisburg
our air conditioning went out (but is now fixed praise the lord)
our dodge stratus is acting up(we are working on that)
and tonight i go into work the midnight shift
and people wonder WHY when i go out to eat i order dessert first!!!
so why the little dragon-guy from mulan???
that is one of my favorite movies and that little guy is one of the ancient ancestors that was called up to help mulan when she headed out on her venture...although she is not an ancestor she is OLDER than me (don't worry i know she doesn't blog). my AP has been called back into active duty...YES...i really did go to a restaurant with 20 plus co-workers and ordered desssert first!!! (and none of them STOPPED me)
so it was time to get back on the diet track...i am back to exercising and back to limiting my carbs and back to having someone hold me accountable...yuk!!!
so...if you see me out and about you have my permission to stop me from ordering dessert and make sure i am eating the salad instead of the fries. (or just threaten to tell my accountablity partner...that should do the trick)
thanks for checking in
Thank God you're still alive. Now get back on the wagon, girlfriend!!
love ya...
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