
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


all is good.

just spent a couple of days with my mom. it was very nice. i brought her down on sunday and she went back yesterday. she was fun company and we worked on some of the 27 projects that i have going. i still have 27 projects but at least 2 of them are closer to being done.

i have been just taking one day at a time and i try to get a little something done each day. i think i am up to over 80 thank you cards written...for those of you who still haven't gotten patient...i am still working on them. (i think i might almost be half way done).

we are in the early stages of megans college financial aid stuff...i thought filling out all those forms after tim passed away were bad...this is a challenge also. thank goodness i know a local "numbers-lady" who was able to help us with our taxes and FAFSA (federal aid) forms (thanks LAW-D).

i have NEVER had our taxes done this early but the federal government and penn state say that we needed them done before feb we had our taxes done. it was a run around but now that they are done it is a relief. we haven't gotten all the paper work done for meg to start college in the fall but we are staying on top of things. she has been really good about keeping track of deadlines since her mother seems to have "zombie" days. (hard to keep everyting straight some days).

hopefully the first year of all this college stuff is the hardest...otherwise it is going to be a VERY LONG 6 years!!!! in two years i will have 3 kids in college at once...pray for me.

well, gotta get the kiddos up for school

thanks for checking in



Anonymous Anonymous said...

College financial aid forms! Brings back memories. I think they challenge you to give up and not fill them out. Frustrating...At least they are done. It must be a good feeling. Take care. Praying for you.
Jim and Judy

February 18, 2009 8:42 AM  
Blogger Deb D said...

Well Tam, if you made it through the FASFA, you're already on the downhill. I think they developed that to see what kind of genetics they're dealing with for these kids... just how smart and patient are these parents and what kind of kid can I expect from them? I'm thinking FASFA Completion Parties would be appropriate considering you have to do the silly thing every single year. At least you'd have good food and friends to look forward to when you got done!! Consider that for next year...
love ya,

February 18, 2009 11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,
I have been reading all your blogs since Tim's passing and how I am praying for you and the girls. I have to agree with you about the support groups as I am not one of those people to listen or discuss my feelings to strangers. Isnt it funny how one minute you feel like you can rejoice that Tim is at peace watching over you and in the next breath you just want him back. I was told there are many steps in the grieving process. I was sad at first, then happy, and lately I've been angry. I pray everyday that I overcome this feeling. Today is a good day and I thanked God at lunch time and asked him to help make the rest of the day a good day.
My husband will be gone 6 months and I honestly have not finished the thank you cards as of yet. I have many more to send but when I get them out, I cant complete them. I talked to one of my friends who lost her husband and she told me that I will know when the time is right. That too goes for the clothes and personal things. I just cant pack them up yet. God will help me to make those decisions as he will do same for you.
You have a much stronger faith than I have and I have leaned to your blogs for spiritual guidance and support. They have helped me so much.
Be strong Tammy and take things one day at a time.
Your friend from Roslyn Drive,
Donna Cerase

February 18, 2009 4:29 PM  
Blogger Katie Dewalt said...

The advice you're getting is sound. And those of your friends and family---having gone through this---know from whence they speak.

You'll know when the time comes that you're ready to let go of Tim's things.

My sister helped me when I was ready, but even then, there were a few items I wanted to keep. Thus, Ron's robe, his painting shirt and his watch-cap with the Delta emblem, are in what my sister christened "The Museum."

It's just an old wardrobe that's downstairs in the basement; but it made me feel better---for whatever reason---that I didn't have to get rid of every single thing.

Since then, I've added many things to "The Museum," i.e. the newspaper from 9/11, my wedding dress (which now fits my left leg) some baby items from the girls that I just couldn't toss, etc.

One day my kids can chuck all those things, but until then...knowing they're down there is comforting.[No one ever said Auntie isn't a little weird.]

I'm still praying for all of you and send my love across the miles.
Aunt Katie

February 19, 2009 11:35 PM  

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