
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Monday, March 02, 2009

another windy day...

looks like the heavy snow missed us again (bummer).

there are 4 very unique and different individuals living in this house...each one of us seem to be dealing with the stress of tim's death differently. i say "stress" perhaps because that is the best way that i can describe it (other than the loneliness for me-i don't think i realized how much time we actually did spend together).

the personality differences make it hard for me to totally know what is going on inside all those heads...pray for them. i know that there is a time that must pass where we are going to have rough times...i am finding myself that i am having a lot more emotional times this last week than i have had in the first few weeks. i think that sometimes there is such an adrenaline rush or something that gets you through the early days and then everything starts to settle and reality kick in. (i am not a huge fan of reality these days).

megan is so busy being a SENIOR and loving it. she works and she has yearbook and she has school work and she has college stuff and she is VERY SOCIAL. i think being busy is good.

kelsey is so busy being an ATHLETE and loving it. she has indoor field hockey (about 4-6 hours a week) and outdoor soccer (10-12 hours a week) and fits in a little skiing plus school work and a boyfriend and julia (my 4th daughter). i think that is insane.

ashley and i are not so busy right now and i think between her and i we are having the most difficult time dealing with tim being gone. last week was a rough week. keep praying for this family. even though it was hard when tim was around and sick at least we had something concrete to focus on. now there is such an emptiness.

ashley needs to find a hobby or something. she is joining the ultimate frisbee club at school in the spring plus we are looking into maybe getting her involved in some other kind of class-maybe kick boxing? i think that would be a good release for her...keep praying.

i still have my long list of things to get done...but the motivation is just not there. i know that i need to take my time and things will all come together but i am not a fan of "not being in control" of these feeling and emotions...keep praying. pray especially for me to have the WISDOM to know what to do in situations with the girls. pray for me to have the SENSITIVITY to recognize when they are struggling. in any "normal" household three hormonal teenage daughters can be rough to interpret but in our situation i need PRAYER and lots of it.

enjoy march...i guess they say when it comes in like a lion it will go out as a lamb??? time will tell.

thanks for checking in



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for wisdom with the girls. Just keeping the dialogue open is good. Enjoy this wintry day!
Jim and Judy

March 02, 2009 9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tammy,as always I keep you guys in my prayers. Amy

March 02, 2009 2:49 PM  
Blogger Katie Dewalt said...

My dear niece...
I am sorry that I can't give you a way to fast-forward...nor can anyone else among the plethora who love you. It is a "one-foot-in-front-of-the-other situation."

I know OF your pain, but I don't know YOUR pain.
I do know, however, that you are doing a fine job and have been throughout this seemingly unending trial.

I wish that I had known someone like you, Tammy, as an example...a role model, when I was trying to cope.
I was very young and so devastated. I watched my little girls [8 & 10] struggle with their own hurt and frequently didn't know what I should---or could---do to make it better. All I managed to do was just take it as it came.

I wept...a lot and I prayed...a lot!
Peggy's Donna stayed with me for awhile. (Thank you, Lord!) And I had many others who loved me and my daughters. But ultimately...I came through it on my own with Jesus picking me up, holding me up and applying band-aid after band-aid to my hurts........
And you will come through it, too---all of you! (He never runs out of band-aids nor tires of comforting His children.)

Time does not erase the pain, nor even the memory of the pain, but somehow "gentles" the pangs and softens the memories.

A broken heart develops---for the most part---into a tenderness toward others, that I believe comes from experiencing sadness and loss.

I send my love and my prayers, which continue for you and the girls.
Aunt Katie

March 03, 2009 2:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is for "Aunt Katie". Your words of support and experience are a blessing to read as you touch Tammy you touch others. Your experience has not made you bitter, but better and wow, what a role model YOU are. Thank YOU for sharing, Tammy is fortunate to have you. Hope you don't mind me saying so. LFNC

March 04, 2009 11:26 AM  

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