what a crazy few days...

...just a quick update on the last few days.
we survived a wonderful "fun-filled" high school graduation party for megan on saturday evening. the weather was a bit funky to start but at official party-time the clouds cleared out and we had a GREAT TIME. (kids say their dad must have some influence up there and that is why it stopped raining for meg's party-never know)
thanks to all who came and made the party such a great success...we had a great family turn-out and that was so much appreciated. especially since they all had to battle the torrential down-pours and the intense fog getting here...and yes...they too thought i was crazy for having the party OUTSIDE but it all worked out as the day went on.
then on sunday the twins (and friends) and i took off for OHIO...off to the land of roller coasters...CEDAR POINT. it was always a dream of tim's to be able to take the kids out to the roller coaster capital so we decided to make the trip--leaving on father's day in honor of him.
we had a GREAT TIME out there and just got back tonight (wednesday). it is absolutely beautiful out there. for those of you who have never been there...the amusement park sits on a pennisula in sandusky, ohio. it is surrounded by the waters of lake erie i believe and the senery is breathtaking.
for those of you who know me well...our room was located with a balcony...from the balcony:
i could look to the left and see a roller coaster
i could look to the right and see a roller coaster
i could look out straight and see a lighthouse and a beach and an endless supply of water
i could look down and see the pool and a TGIFridays
the first night i was there i let the kids do their thing and i went for a walk down this long pathway. soon i found myself all alone and very close to the lighthouse so i found a rock and sat down. i looked around admiring the beautiful view of the sun beginning to set...and when i glanced to my one side i caught a glimpse of a huge PEPSI umbrella. i just started to cry. i felt so lonely on that fathers day at sunset yet somehow i felt that i was not alone. it is so hard for me to do the things that we talked so much doing together but i think that it is also good for me (and the kids). life can't stop because i feel uncomfortable.
after my mini-breakdown i was able to pull myself together and we really did have a wonderful time...we laughed so hard at times that i needed to medicate myself afterwards because my jaw hurt so bad. the weather was great while we were there and everyone stayed healthy and pretty much even got along. that was quite an accomplishment for me and 4 teenagers. i was able to read an entire book while i was there...another amazing accomplishment (probably because there was no washer and dryer there).
well...it is late.
thanks for checking in
ps...in a day or so i will be updating the final tally of the golf tournament and silent auction...stay tuned.
Sounds like Megan's party was great! Congratulations to Megan...and to you! Parents kinda' graduate too when a kid finishes high school.
The trip to Ohio also sounds fun...really fun! (Nuthin' like a laugh-so-much-that-one-requires-meds event to recall how good life can be.
You know that Tim would love you all laughing. And who knows for sure...that Pepsi umbrella just when you're feeling alone could be one of those amazing things to remind you that Tim loves you.
God knows your heart and He really does provide astounding signs of His concern.
It's late and I have to go walk Marvin. You and the girls will be in my prayers as I walk.
Aunt Katie
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