summer has arrived...

i have one at the beach...
i have one at a graduation party...
i have one going to play laser tag...
it is an icky 80+ degrees outside...
and i am choosing to stay indoors as much as possible (GOD bless the person who invented air conditioning).
later on tonight i will be mowing the grass...and trying out my "new and improved" weed wacker. i sent it away for obedience training and it came back with a few minor alterations that i am anxious (and a little nervous) to try out. i told my brother that if i couldn't handle it this time i was shipping it back to him and he could keep it...we will see how it goes.
we have been joking around with this evil weed wacker so much that if i really tryed i am sure that i could write a script for a pretty decent horror movie. i have been getting ideas from a goofy show my kids have been watching called "harpers island". they didn't have stuff like that when i was a kid...thank goodness.
we had a nice church service today for all the graduating high school seniors...nice job pastor rob.
(just incase this blog entry does not make any sense...i have had 5 phone calls from the child going to the graduation party in getttysburg. the first one we determined that if one goes the wrong way on a certain road to start... one will end up heading towards lancaster and not towards gettysburg...i think 90 mins and 4 more phone calls they are finally in the right neighborhood.)
these are the days i really miss tim's keen sense of direction and realize that after 20+years of him doing most the navigating...i am clueless giving directions over the phone.
hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
thanks for checking in
Obedience training? The weed wacker? You do have a sense of humor and we love it.
We have one of those adult children who has difficulty with directions, too. It sure make for a good laugh although she probably doesn't think so.
Thinking of you often. God bless.
Louis and Martha
Is this a new weed wacker...Damien II? Or just the previous one with alterations...Damien I 1/2?
Out here, if one of the oil refineries has a discharge, a siren goes off in the area to warn people to stay inside.
Do you think a siren system is necessary for the sake of your neighbors---or am I jumping to conclusions?
Just the same, since Shelli and I (with Julia & Hannah) are still hoping to visit PA in September, perhaps you could post your mowing/wacking schedule in advance.
Hope you and the kids enjoy your Summer.
Love and prayers sent your way,
Aunt Katie
The one who isn't good with directions has to be Ashley. I have explained to her and John how to get from Rt.22 to 422 at least 4 times. I can't talk too much though, because I myself am not good with directions. Tammy, what was the total amount raised from the Golf Outing? I have heard different amounts, but nothing official yet. Maybe you could mention it in the next blog ;)
I had lost all your information from a computer virus and was thinking about you today, so I thought I would just try to search for you on the internet. I am so sorry to hear about Tim's passing. One of the funniest moments in my life was when Tim tried to scare us with the bear skin rug outside our house. Even now when I share that story, Tim is still bringing laughter to others.
Our love and prayers are with you,
Jeanmarie and Rod
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