ash update...

well if you would have asked me last week how she was doing i would have said that we were seeing improvements everyday...THEN SHE WENT TO SCHOOL!!!
this has been a REALLY ROUGH WEEK (for so many reasons) but mostly because of ashley's sudden decline. Her headaches are worse. Her nausea is worse. Her appetite is worse. She is tired ALL the time. We kinda expected all those things to happen...what we DID NOT expect is her sudden memory loss issues that she has developed.
she was kinda resting the past few weeks and didn't really try to use her brain too much so i think she is having MAJOR SENSORY OVER-LOAD. we have been in touch with the school nurse and the guidance office and some concerned teachers and we have her first follow-up appt with the head trauma guy tomorrow (friday at 1:30pm). hopefully they will be able to shed some light on what we are to expect and a time-line (although i doubt that will happen).
since this was not her first concussion it gets classified as a complex concussion...i am guessing that we will be doing all sorts of testing over the next few weeks. PRAY for her. this is her junior year and she had such high hopes of getting off to a GOOD start and doing well this year. (last year was kinda rocky-go figure).
the memory loss is pretty freaky stuff...kinda scared her. the guidance has already informed me of all the different types of programs they have available if we need assistance. everything from homebound studies to cyber-school to a modified schedule to a personal tutor. they have already suggested a "lighter" schedule to reduce the stress (say good-bye to french IV). we will know more after our appt tomorrow. all she keeps asking is how she is going to get into college IF she drops classes and can't function in school...its only week #1...relax!!! pray and relax...easier said than done sometimes.
and pray for me...trying to work and coordinate all these appts with the doctors and the school is gonna get crazy...i feel SO GUILTY asking for MORE time off!!!
i will try to shoot out an e-mail over the holiday weekend sometime.
thanks for checking in
go lions...big opening weekend
Tammy, Ashley needs to take it slowly. Tough situation. We are defintely praying for all of you. May God grant Ashley peace and restore her to health quickly...
Jim and Judy
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