laughter in the rain...

...raindrops keep falling on my head never rains in california
...rainy days and mondays
...rain on my parade comes that rainy day feeling again
...i can see clearly now
because that is what we are singing every time we walk into our LIVING ROOM.
i am getting an education on rubber roofing and ice build-up and plastic and beach towels and blankets and cardboard and shoveling rooftops.
i was always told that putting up an umbrella in the house was bad luck...but REALLY some days i wonder if it would really make a difference.
i have water and ice dripping from light fixtures UNDER the porch...we have since taped off those light switches.
i have sun light coming through areas of my attic
i have it raining in my living room
BUT...what would we do without a little excitement in our lives??
thanks go out to the two guys that will ALWAYS show up at my house when i have an emergency...thanks john...thanks steve
i guess when the spring thaw rolls around i have some projects that need to get done...i am not a huge fan of being a home-owner on most days. i often think that once the kids are out of high school and we don't need to live in the township i may look for a townhouse to reside in...i am just not feeling the whole "handy man" thing is a right fit for me. i much prefer the "call the maintenance guy" thing.
thanks for checking in
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