a new way to lose weight...

buy a piece of weight equipment and spend your day off experimenting with it and "presto"...you will lose weight BECAUSE YOU ARE NOW NOT ONLY UNABLE TO GRIP A FORK BUT EVEN IF YOU COULD...YOU ARE TOTALLY INCAPABLE OF RAISING YOUR ARMS HIGH ENOUGH TO REACH YOUR MOUTH ANYWAY.
and don't ask me how i managed to brush my teeth tuesday morning...you don't really want to know.
yes...we purchased a PR3000 bowflex. i am not sure what we were thinking...but perhaps i need to find someone who know what in the world a PR3000 is really supposed to do instead of making it up as i go. it is newer than the original model but much older than the newest model.
it does NOT come with an instructional video and although you would have loved to watch my first workout on "youtube"...(don't even try to imagine)...i don't think that would have been wise. i embarrass my kids enough without adding that to the list.
*my arms...felt like they were twice the weight they were the day before
*my shoulders...i don't think i ever really felt my shoulders before...but i know EXACTLY where they are located now
*my lower and mid-back...making a definate appearance
boy am i really glad that i decided NOT to work the lower portion of my body...i am not sure i would have made it to the advil bottle in the morning....which meant i would not have made it to brush my teeth...which means i would not have made to to work...'cause that is just plain GROSS.
i took the next day off and i suppose i should go down there again tonight...but i get the shakes just thinking about it. anyone out there know a good personal trainer (besides mary) that could come to the house and point me in the right direction?? i think that i am in need of some instruction.
i have had inquiries about the FLOOD waters and whether or not we were affected by the river (we live pretty close and in the flood zone). last night i was outside with the hose trying to get the waters to rise just a little more...if my basement floods ALL my exercise equipment will float away!!! (come on you have to find SOME good in every situation)
but seriously...we were ok this time around. i think we we had about a 4 foot window to work with. as long as our pump stays pumping we are good to the 20-something foot marker. (some things were just tim's thing to remember and unfortunately he took that one to the grave with him...i have no idea when we get water)
going for a walk with my AP...she feels the need to CHAT tonight and SHE thought it would be better to do it on a walk then over coffee :( who is this woman???
wish me luck.
thanks for checking in.
Tammy, you are too funny. Just saw a spot on Good Morning America. Bob Greene (Oprah's fittness coach) has a new DVD out to help you... It is called Bob Greene's Total Body Makeover. It looks like it would be a good one, not toooo agressive.
Let me know if you do buy it.
Your humor is priceless! Did you ever think of being a stand-up comedian?
SO important when working out to stop short of losing the ability to brush one's teeth! Who cares if you can touch your toes when your teeth are cruddy!!
Rome wasn't built in a day, girlfriend. Stick with steady progress...
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