the time has finally come...

...i now have 3 teenage daughters with drivers licenses!!!!!
in some respects that is going to make my life so much easier but in other respects i can feel the gray hairs busting through my scalp.
driving here in the city can be stressful for a seasoned driver...keep my girls in your prayers as they venture off to this new and exciting phase of being a 16 year old.
i survived the night shift...totally blew my diet the last few days but it was a small price to pay to get through pulling two all nighter shifts and not hurting anyone in the process. i just felt the need for cereal this weekend...working when i should be sleeping and sleeping when i should be working...kinda messes with your whole system. cereal was my friend this weekend.
i didn't do very well sleeping this weekend...about 7 hours all together and i am getting a little fuzzy tonight. i got zero sleep before going in friday night and about 3 hours combined between friday and saturday and i think i slept about 4 hours sunday morning. now i am exhausted. hopefully i will be able to sleep tonight.
monday morning back to serious business...we got a new addition to our little in-home gym this weekend. something to help work the upper body muscles a bit to balance out all the treadmill walking. it will be nice to have a change. hopefully i can come up with some work out routine alternating the weight-training with the walking. wish me luck.
hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
i wanted to say a big thank you to the girls from the cancer center that called and asked me out for dinner tonight. it was so nice to get out and spend some time with some of the people that tim had so many dealings with over the years. it was a fun time and we got to laugh and remembered so many stories...i had forgotten that one of the nurses there tonight was working the first night tim was admitted to HMC (new years eve). she even remembered the room number he was in...amazing staff who became part of our extended family for many years.
(oh, everyone says hi fred!!!)
thanks for checking in
Night shift is tough. Get some rest, Tammy. Three teenage girls driving!!! We are praying for you!!
Jim and Judy
Glad you survived and hopefully got some "good" sleep last evening. Keep your sanity. Love, Lu Ann
I had a great time at dinner too! We had a lot of good laughs. Take care and hang in there with the diet changes. You are looking great.
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