boot camp

it has been determined that my self-induced plateau should NOW come to an end and that i should get back on track with the diet and exercise...
it was a nice little break from the rigid rules and regulations but i have to agree that i am ready to get back on track...i REALLY feel so much better when i am exercising and avoiding the sugar and the carbs.
today was my first OFFICIAL day and the plan is to stay on track without any slacking off for a total of 30 days...we have affectionately named this BOOT CAMP for lack of a better term that i would be willing to post on-line. i am being both my AP and my kids. and as of right now i suppose all of you out there in cyber-space too...goody.
why the 30 days? my daughter tells me that it takes about 21 days to break OR create a habit...i have never been known to be the sharpest tool in the shed so i thought a little extra time wouldn't hurt.
30 days to get my self back into a routine of eating healthy, taking vitamins, drinking enough water, exercising, daily devotions, ect...
30 days to break the sugar/carb habit (or addiction or whatever one prefers to call it)
so the next few blog entries will be a breakdown of my experiences getting back into the routine...should be some interesting things to report. more exercise stories and more excerpts from my no excuses book that i am still trudging through so stay tuned...
thanks for checking in
I have all the confidence in the world that you can do whatever you set your mind to. Good luck and will continue to pray.....Lu Ann
You have been so inspirational to me I know you can continue. Just think of all you have already acomplished and that will give you the strength to go on!
Karen W
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