interesting number...
hard to believe that this is the 601st entry onto this blog site...no wonder i can't find anything else to say!!!
thanks to all who have followed me around for the last few years...it has been quite an adventure. although it seems as though the blog has mostly been sad and somewhat bizarre i have recently come across a few people who have really encouraged me to keep it going. it seems like each time i think that i may give it up because i am finding it hard to believe there is really anyone out there in cyberspace who really cares about the stuff i write...i find a random person who "loves the blog". so...for now i guess i will try to keep it going as much as i can.
ashley and i are off to see the concussion guy in the morning (wednesday). i will shoot out a quick update on that appt later this week. she took an on-line memory test and we will get those results tomorrow. she is scheduled for an MRI and physical therapy on her knee next monday in the afternoon.
kelsey is good...right at the tail end of a great season of field hockey. she is searching for employment...in our house if one wishes to drive one of the vehicles one must pay for the insurance!!! so off to work we go...wish her luck finding a FLEXIBLE job that she can still do school and sports and work.
meg is doing well...she was psyched that she just landed a spot on the hospitality committee of THON...one of the largest college fundraising events that supports the children's miracle network. another proud mom moment!!!
just a thought...i am not sure if meg follows the blog much anymore (if so she will not be happy) but she has a birthday coming up this month...she will turn 19 on october 15th. if you would like to drop her a card or a note at anytime i thought i would post her address:
thanks for checking in
go lions
go indians
Thanks for the update and for Megan's address. Wow, 19! Will be anxious to see how Ashley makes with the next MRI.
Jim and Judy
Please keep the blog going. I'm sure Tim would want you to update on the Dewalts.
Dolores Douglas
I always look for your updates. Can hardly belive Megan will be 19..not that we are getting old. I was happy to hear that Megan is getting involved in THON. It is truly amazing and an honor to be picked for a committee. THON is for Four Diamonds (not Children's Miracle Network). Four Diamonds helps families with children with cancer. They pay any expense not paid by the parents insurance. It was started by parents that lost their child to cancer and is now huge. If anyone is interested, they can go out on the web www.thon.org and read more about it. We are a Four Diamond's family since Craig was treated at Hershey. Every year at Thon they do a survivers video and Craig was featured last year - it was very emotional but that is what motivates those dancers to continue it each year.
We were blessed to have this assistance when Craig was being treated. I know Tammy would understand how financially that is a blessing.
It was nice seeing you last night. I wish Kelsey would have had more activity on her side of the field hockey field. Ashley looks great. Much better than at Labor Day.
Love, Wendy
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