"a moment"

This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence
Living in me
This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word
Spoken to me
And I ... I'm desperate for you
And I ... I'm lost without you
i don't know how many of you are familiar with this song (it has been sung by many-michael w smith and mercy me are the ones i am most familiar with) but this afternoon i was switching a CD over to another one while i was driving in the car and this song came on the radio...i actually had to pull over along the road until it was over and i dealt with the issue at hand. i had a little emotional/spiritual moment along the side of the road...
i don't usually talk too much about my faith but today i was having a horrible day (as i am sure you could tell from my last post) but when i heard this song playing it was like i had this wake-up call telling me that HUGE HOLE that i was feeling in my heart was able to be filled (at least some) if i would just seek the comfort of the holy spirit...so i did right there along the road.
i suddenly realized how desperate for him that i was...and how lost i would be without his daily presence in my life. yes, i was crying again but this time it was more of a cleansing cry than a "poor me" cry...yes i still miss tim terribly and always will but i am so thankful for the "blessed assurance" that i have in my lord and savior that helps me get through the good days and the rough days. (and there are some really rough days and i suspect there will be a few more)
do i think that it was divine intervention that that song was on at the exact moment i was switching the CD over?? absolutely!!! i think that sometimes god needs to stick stuff directly "in my face" for me to notice. and maybe i just needed to really have a crappy day in order for him to be noticed...but however it came about it certainly helped me get through the rest of the day...still sad but ok. plus, i have learned over the years that when god speaks something that direct to me i had better listen because the next time could be "painfully" obvious...i have had my share of "dense" moments and "rebellious" moments where i have blown an opportunity to listen when god speaks and that never works out for the best.
so...as bad as the day started out it became much better as the day went on which we all know is what tim would have wanted.
thanks for all the comments and the prayers...
love to all
God is so good and gives us what we need at the right time. Great message for all of us Tammy. We need to seek Him daily, sometimes minute by minute.
Praying for you through these tough days.
Jim and Judy
Great song, great message. Glad to know He is ALWAYS desparate for us! Love you and pray for you all regularly.
Darlene (Your Pepsi Family)
Yay! Hooray! Yippee! etc. (The relief from pain alone is worth some cheering. But the reminders of how He is always there to show His love in big ways and little ones, is worth a bunch more! Yay! Hooray! Yippee! Woo-hoo! Yowza! Kowabonga!
Don't know the song, but will listen for it.
Love from CA
Aunt Katie
I am so sorry for the grief and sorrow you are going through, remember it will come to pass.God is faithful and always gives us just what we need when we need it and not one minute sooner. I love the times with the Lord when it's just Him and me and tears which heal our inner soul and minister peace & Joy to us.Every so often He breaks through our clouded eyes & braines and shows us wonders that take us through whatever we have to face at that time.We will keep praying for you all as nothing is easy just worth everything.Love Dee & Hal I check in every night just don't always have a not to say
When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
When Tomorrow starts without me
And I’m not there to see
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
Are filled with tears for me.
I wish so much you wouldn’t cry
The way you did today
While thinking of the many things
We didn’t get to say.
I know how much you love me
As much as I love you
And each time that you think of me
I know you’ll miss me too.
But when tomorrow starts without me
Please try to understand
That an angel came and called my name
And took me by the hand.
And said my place was ready
In heaven far above
And that I’d have to leave behind
All those I dearly love.
But as I turned to walk away.
A tear fell from my eye
For all my life, I’d always thought
I didn’t want to die.
I had so much to live for
So much left yet to do
It almost seemed impossible
That I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays
The good ones and the bad
I thought of all the love we shared
And all the fun we had.
If I could relive yesterday
Just even for a while
I’d say goodbye and kiss you
And maybe see you smile
But then I fully realized
That this could never be
For emptiness and memories
Would take the place of me
And when I thought of worldly things
I might miss come tomorrow
I thought of you when I did
My heart was filled with sorrow
But when I walked through Heaven’s gates
I felt so much at home
When God looked down and smiled at me
From His great golden throne
He said this is eternity
And all I’ve promised you
Today you left on earth is past
But here life starts anew
I promise no tomorrow
But today will always last
And since each day’s the same way
There’s no longing for the past.
You have been so faithful
So trusting and so true
Thought there were times you did some things
You knew you shouldn’t do.
But you have been forgiven
And now at last you’re free
So won’t you take my hand
And live my life with me
So when tomorrow starts without me
Don’t think we’re far apart
For every time you think of me
I’m right here in your heart
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