october 27th...

tim's birthday.
i was not expecting this day to hit me so hard...go figure
in fact, this might be one of the most emotional days i have had in months. i am not sure why-
perhaps it is the alignment of the moon and the stars
perhaps it is that i miss him SO MUCH
perhaps it is that i have been so focused on other stuff and now things have slowed down a bit
whatever the reason i do know that i am NOT LIKING it very much.
i am sitting here at the computer with tears streaming down my face thinking that if he were here we would once again be the same age (there were many many conversations that have been had over me being the "elder" in our marriage)
he would have wanted to grill tonight...even if it was raining...he always loved when everyone was home and he could grill steaks.
he would have requested homemade mac and cheese...and a homemade strawberry cake (which in the 21 years of marriage he NEVER got from me because apparently his mother took that favorite recipe of his to the grave with her many many years ago) he would have been stuck with red velvet-his second favorite.
pappy would have been down for supper tonight.
i think we will just have pizza tonight...
he would have been 47 years young...too soon to be gone
sorry for the downer blog today...
i do have a bit of good news to report. ashley has been cleared by the ortho guys. the MRI came back and still showed some deep bruising of her knee but no surgery required!!!! finally a piece of good news. (hey kp...glad you got to share in our joy yesterday)
kelsey had her first ever job interview yesterday at old navy...it was a group interview and lasted an hour. she thought it went well. she will find out today if she got the job. cross your fingers...she really could use a good discount on her (love of) clothes.
thanks for checking in
sad tammy
us too... :(
love ya,
Sending you a big hug today. Ronnie still prays for "Pastor Tim's" family every night without fail. I, too, was glad to share in your joy yesterday--thanks for including me. Wait...I guess you didn't have much choice! Dr. K's a great guy. Ash really seems to be herself, Praise God!
Blessings, KP
I can honestly say that there is rarely a day that goes by that I don't think of Tim.....and my heart breaks for your and the girls.
.....Thinking of you with love,
Just read this blog and it touched my heart.
These kinds of days are painful...physically painful...at the lowest point.
I have always said that the farther one has crawled up out of the "hole" of grieving, the more it hurts when one falls back in it...even though it's temporary.
The good news is that there are now foot holds---previously made on one's ascent---that can be used to climb up again.
with prayers
Aunt Katie
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