
0 calories
0 carbs
it is the perfect beverage for everyone i suppose but especially the dieter...perhaps that is why i dislike it so much. it is not that i don't like the taste...or that it is hard to find...or that it is expensive...BUT just the fact that i am to drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses a day is so hard for me to fathom.
i have found that adult "diapers" are a little pricey...yes, i am in that post children post hysterectomy don't sneeze or cough or laugh era!!! add 10 glasses of water to that mix and you have some major issues.
part of my diet includes the cutting back on the carbs...
part of my diet includes the drinking of the water...
part of my diet includes the exercise...
it is hard for me to imagine that i am saying this but the WATER one is the one i am REALLY struggling with the most recently...not that i am a huge fan of the other two but drinking all day long has definately becoming an issue.
now i am sure that if i mention this to my AP (accountablity partner) she would be able to come up with some solution-like an IV and catheter...so i guess i had better get back to the bottle (that would be the water bottle)
wish me luck...and if you see me out and about ask me if i drank my required glasses of water yet today. everyone i run into has been SO SUPPORTIVE and it is really helping to have so much accountablity in my world. (somewhat annoying at times but helpful...keep up the good work).
i recently read this question and really got a kick out of the answer:
Q: is swimming good for your figure?
A: if swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me!
i have gone three weeks now and i have to admit that i am surviving...this week is tough because meg is home from college and things are a little out of our normal routine...which i am LOVING>
i also know that three weeks is far from three months which is about how long i predict it will take me to get a routine and stop craving the carbs (and boy do i still CRAVE the carbs-painfully so)...so keep praying.
DID YOU KNOW THAT ANDES CANDIES (those wonderful chocolate mints) CAME OUT WITH A NEW COOKIE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON...THAT IS JUST WRONG TO DO THAT TO ME NOW WHILE I AM SWORN OFF THE CARBS. plus i KNOW that if i bought the box of cookies while i was at walmart today they would have all been gone before i got home AND my AP would be having a FIT.
maybe i will need four months
thanks for checking in
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