the big V day...

here is the has been OVER one year since i have shared a valentines day with my husband (so this makes v-day #2). in my head i was so sure that i was over the fact that i was going to be "rose-less" on sunday. i had to work the night shift so my entire schedule is out of whack.
...i work friday night (sleep a little)
...i work saturday night (now totally exhausted) but we need bread so i swing by the grocery store early sunday morning. not a wise thing to walk into our GIANT and right in front of you in this GIGANTIC display of flowers and balloons and teddy bears and cards...and all these guys scrambling around to find that last minute gift (ok...maybe even a little late) and i found out rather quickly that i am not yet over the fact that i am going to be without my valentine today.
i am sure part of my emotion was the fact i was sleep deprived but i also know that it is still OK to be missing tim. it is just the fact that i never really liked this holiday when i had a valentine but now that he is gone i really miss it.
so i come home and i go to bed...
and i hear the doorbell and open the door and close the door.
then i hear open the door and close the door
then i hear a doorbell and open the door and close the door
(ever have one of those days when you should forget about the sleep and just get up)
so...i walk out into my dining room area and i just CRACK-UP. there is a table FULL of red roses and cards and teddy bears and chocolates.
i say: who are those 12 roses from? a boy
i say: who are those 12 roses from? a different boy
i say: who are those 12 roses from? a different boy
i say: who are the teddy bears from? one of those boys
i say: who are the chocolates from? one of those boys
now...keep in mind i ONLY have TWO teenagers at home and i have THREE boys bringing a dozen roses and teddy bears and chocolates to my door. i don't know if their dad would be proud that they found sensitive caring boys or if he would be loading the shotgun about now. i get to enjoy the roses on my table (even though they are not mine i find some comfort in the fact that after the morning i had i woke up to three dozen roses on my table) our house smells like a florist shop.
hope you all had a great valentines day...
thanks for checking in
Happy Valentine's Day, Tammy! (from one rose-less, chocolate-less, teddy bear-less widow lady to another!)
I bought myself a big heart shaped ginger cookie with "Be My Valentine!" on it and I shared it with Marvin.
Now don't you feel better?
Love from Aunt Katie
PS - Shelli sent me home with a Valentine cupcake and two Carrot Cake Cookies with cream cheese filling, that she made with help from Julia & Hannah! I am blessed!
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