the biggest loser

i have never been a fan of that show although i can't honestly say that i have ever watched a full episode (until last night). i have a lot of co-workers who love the show and since NCIS was a re-run i thought i would give it a shot and try to figure who was who so i was at least somewhat aware of who they were talking about. now that i have watched a two hour special i think i know why i don't like that show...
that show is WAY TO REAL for me. i sat there in my dark room just crying as they talked about why they needed to lose the weight and the struggles they face and why they should be picked for the show. i only know the final four...better late than never i guess...but WOW...what stories. for those of you who watch it i would love to say that i relate best to amanda-the young one, but unfortunately i see myself as more of a liz (the forty nine year old that is kinda a loner). except for the fact that liz just ran a 26.2 mile marathon last night (and i complain about walking 3 miles on my treadmill)
last night they talked a lot about how easy it was to stay focused and keep on track while "on the farm" but how hard it became when they had to come back home and live life in the daily grind like the rest of us. the girl trainer-jillian (who by the way reminds me a little of my AP) told them that they had thought that losing all the weight was the end of the battle BUT in reality that was just the BEGINNING.
i can believe that...they also talked a lot about asking for help!! i have to agree that statement is so true. i know that i could not have done what i have done this last month without the help of everyone around me. i know i joke around a bit but even the funny donut stories are so helpful in helping me to realize that this is a CHOICE and not a result of any particular circumstance. i have been blaming my circumstances for a lot of my "issues" and in reality it is all ME and only ME. (and ME still needs help on a daily don't let up on the accountablity)
yesterday was exactly one month into this diet and i am proud to say that i was 24 pounds lighter. even through the holiday week i was able to lose four more pounds.
so off we go into the hardest month of the year to be on a diet...i will be invited to dinner and lunch and coffee and parties and i will have to make choices. so far i have not had to be restrained or removed from any event but the offer is still there if you see me heading for the cheesecake or the pasta. (it is the pasta and bread that is killing me)
keep up the good work and we will be able to make it through this month and sail into the new year (perhaps needing a new wardrobe-or at least a belt to hold up my pants).
thanks for checking in
Rock on, girl!!
Great update Tammy. I have also watched this show occasionally. Great inspiration. One day at a time, girl.
Jim and Judy
More interesting and compelling chapters for the book! Keep your journey alive; very inspiring!
Louis and Martha
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