the mantle is complete...

i have to admit that adding all those pepsi santa's really did help.
we have 8 of the larger santa's and they fit perfectly across the fireplace mantle.
i saw the new 2009 santa and he is adorable and i have added him to my wish list.
PEPSI has been such a huge part of our world...and in so many ways made it a great place to be. even now almost a year later i am still getting calls from tim's boss on a regular basis and e-mails and text messages from his co-workers...
after tim passed away the company told us that they were going to cover our family health insurance for one year...that was so amazing and so appreciated. i was part-time when tim passed and seeking full-time employment but as many of you know the jobs were all frozen at hershey medical center. with PEPSI covering our health insurance that took so much of the pressure off in finding full-time work. we are almost one year later and the pressure is back on...and guess what??
the job that i so badly wanted one year ago has "thawed". i don't know about you but i think that is a bit more than a coincidence. i truely believe that this was so much a GOD-THING that it gives me goose bumps. now don't get too excited...i still have to interview for the job on wednesday and i know that there were a lot of applicants. is when we pray. (pray hard). i am not a great interviewer...but i know with gods help i can get through this and say all the right things.
this job will not only give me an increased income (because i will be working twice the hours) but it will give me a really decent affordable rate on health insurance (which is ridiculous if i were to have to pay it through COBRA) and full-timers get a nice little break on PSU tuition (and we all know that will certainly help). plus i hate to admit it but i need to get out of the house more...and working full-time will help with a lot of my "depressing" down time i spend alone. i am not a real big people person (that was so much a tim thing) and this will force me out of the house which i definately need.
so...let's pray me into the minds of the ones who decide my fate. let my faults be faded and my strengths be magnified. i really need this job.
thanks for all your prayers and comments over the last tree trimming guys are great.
thanks for checking in
We will be praying for favor for you on Wednesday. The timing is right. God knows your needs. Just be yourself, they cannot help but like you.
Jim and Judy
you will definitely nail this interview. VS definitely likes you and so do your coworkers! You have the knowledge and background, don't freak out. Who will pick up the extra hours now, not me.
I just caught up on the last 5 or 6 blogs.
Congratulations on all the weight you lost! That's truly astounding! [btw - i'm stepping carefully because i don't want to "find" the missing pounds. i know you're all the way East, but i'm convinced that CA is "downhill" from PA, so you can understand my concern.]
Praying that you'll get the job.
Love from Aunt Katie
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