interesting thought...

what do you do when you have reached a point in your prayer life when all you feel like you are doing is complaining and whining and asking why this and why that...
what do you do when you have reached a point in your personal life when all you want to do is eat...sweets, caffeine, carbs, protein, fats, cardboard would even do...
this is where i was just after another "dewalt" funeral and i was frustrated...frustrated with life...frustrated with death...frustrated with just about everything and everyone...especially me.
i do talk a lot about my diet on this blog
i do not talk a lot about my religious beliefs on this blog
but the two worlds have just recently collided so tomorrow or the next day you are going to get a quick overview of how this totally frustrated christian lady dealt with her dilemma....some of you are going to be surprised at my response...some of you are going to be confused at my response...some of you will not really have an opinion on the matter and some may have an opinion but choose not to share it.
don't ya love it...
if you choose to come back...
you will read abit about my prayer life and my devotional life
you will read abit about my recent diet issues and the way i respond to stress in my life
you will read abit about my personal relationship with my GOD
you will read abit about where i hide my devil dogs
ok...i bet you will ALL come back now
thanks for checking in
You hide Devil Dogs?! Good to know for the next visit to Harrisburg!
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