
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Friday, September 29, 2006

as the weekend approaches...

...tim is feeling a little better. he has actually been able to keep some food down and has not gotten sick for 24 hours. (just in time for him to go see the doctor and tell him he is feeling fine-i think if he tells him that i might have to intervene with a slide tackle or something).

he has had a rough week...even missed church and two field hockey games so you know that he was not feeling well. the transplant coordinator agreed with our decision to hold off taking out the central line-we have re-scheduled for next friday. hopefully we can figure out what is going on by then. she thinks that it will either be the rapid drop in steroids or graft vs host (apparently they can tell more from the biopsies than the pictures of his stomach and they are not back yet).

well...kinda keeping it "blan" today and hopefully we can get to the hospital and back again without incident.

thanks for all your prayers and comments and e-mails...i someday hope to be able to get some sort of count of all the people who have been with us every step of the way through this process. it gives the term "intercessory prayer" a whole new dimension for me. there is not one day that goes by that i don't have one, two, three or more people tell us that they are now and have been praying for us on a daily basis. and they are not always the same people...i would venture a guess that on any given day we have literally over a hundred people holding our family up in prayer and that gets us through each day. and for that we are so grateful and appreciative-so many days the frustration sets in and all we have to do is talk about the fact that the heavens are being flooded with prayers on our behalf and that with GODS help we are going to get through these rough spots...and we do.

have a great weekend...we have two soccer games and HOPEFULLY a wedding (this will be huge if we can make it there).

thanks to all...for checking in

tim and tammy

Thursday, September 28, 2006

not such a great week...

the "stomach inspection" came back negative for ulcers and inflammation and every other thing they were to look for that might be causing tim to be sick all the time. BUT he is still sick...actually has gotten a little worse this week. (it is like he has a 15-20 second window of time from the time he thinks he feels bad until he is sick to his stomach OR he wakes up in the middle of the night with the dry heaves).

the EMG of his face was sent to a neurologist for interpretation...there were some decent spots of nerve regeneration and some not so decent spots of nerve regeneration and some lack of nerve regeneration. nothing great to report there yet.

his headache came back yesterday...he has been pretty sick and feels like crap. we are supposed to have the central line out tomorrow morning but i wouldn't be too opposed to keeping it awhile until we see what might be going on here. (but it will be tims choice). the oncologist appt is tomorrow at 3pm.

well, i gotta get to work.

thanks for checking in-sorry the news to report isn't any better.

tim and tammy

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

tuesday and friday

these are the big procedure days this week. i have been asked to note the times of the procedures so that you can pray specifically at the time he needs it most...especially to calm those "jitters".

today we have to be fasting after midnight and arrive at the hospital by 10am for an 11 am procedure-EDG. this is where they will be scoping his esophogus and stomach to see if he is experiencing some graft vs host issues.

at 2pm this afternoon we move over to the neurology side and have the EMG done. this is where they stick needles into his face and check for stimulation (i guess). they say that it is uncomfortable but not painful??? hopefully this will show whether the nerve damage from the bells palsy is permanent or not.

friday at 9am he is having the central line removed-unless they find something with the stomach that makes them want to keep it longer. he is a little excited and a little nervous about having this line taken has been in since january and is kinda like a security blanket. no needle sticks, no IV's, BUT he can't just jump in the shower without a "press and seal" production and he can't exercise and sweat because of the line dressing and we have to have someone in each week for line it has its good points and its bad points.

then friday at 3pm we finally get to see our "primary" oncology doctor who started this whole thing. (he has been off with double knee replacement surgery for the last 3 months).

i work on wednesday and thursday...we have 5 field hockey games this week and two soccer practices. so what it really comes down to i guess is if you are praying for us...wake up praying and go to sleep praying...we can really use the prayers this week.

thanks to all...for checking in

tim and tammy

Monday, September 25, 2006


we survived a great weekend in brothers, inc. put on a very successful and very impressive golf tournament for tim. we had a great time and tim was not only there to make an appearance, but i couldn't get him to leave. he so much enjoyed getting to visit with everyone at the golf tournament and the dinner afterwards. thanks go out to all who attended and all who supported this event. it would be almost impossible to individually thank everyone who had a hand in this was in the makings for months before and so much time and hard work from so many different people. tim and i pray that some day you all will be blessed as much as we have been blessed by your love and support and prayers.

the day after...tim certainly slept alot...but that was OK. mom and i took the girls to the fair in the morning and we were to meet dad and tim at 2pm...but he was still in bed!!! but he made i there by 4pm and had his slice of grotto pizza and pollocks pizza before we headed back to harrisburg. (sorry we missed you midnight mary-boo hoo)

tomorrow we do the SCOPE for his stomach issues and the EMG for the nerves in his face. friday he gets his central line removed...busy week ahead.

thanks for checking in...

tim and tammy

we all had a great weekend and although he is tired and achey he says it was worth it!!! it was great to be able to meet the newest member of our family-adorable!!! now i know why aunt judy is always bragging up that grandson of hers.

Friday, September 22, 2006

blog post #140

WOW...who knew that i could come up with this much to say???

things are a bit better as we approach this weekend. tims stomach issues are still around, but much better than earlier in the week. we are hoping to spend some time visiting family and friends this weekend and my dream of attending the bloomsburg fair on sunday!!!! if i close my eyes i can smell the funnel cakes and oyster don't drive all the way to the fair for a fried oyster sandwich???

i will be off-line until sunday night...then i will try and update the blog.

hope you all have a GREAT weekend...

thanks for checking in...

tim and tammy

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


well, he was up for a bit on tuesday but his stomach is still a mess. we are scheduled for him to have an EDG (scope the lining of his stomach) next tuesday.

he was supposed to have his central line taken out tomorrow but he has decided to keep it another week or so until we see what they say about this stomach issue. they need bloodwork on friday and they need to start an IV on he might as well keep it for another week or so.

his EMG (nerve testing on his bells palsy) is also scheduled for next tuesday...he has a full day.

his EYELID weight is being put in the week after that.

he still has speech therapy once a week and we go to the clinic every other week.

in between all this running around i try to fit in a i work...fred is coming down to spend the day with tim.

keep far as the transplant goes-things are great-but it is the day to day frustrations that can really get him down sometimes. once we get this stomach thing resolved we hopefully can get out and about a little more and that will help.

thanks for checking in...

tim and tammy

Monday, September 18, 2006

still sleeping...

yes, the man has been in bed for 48 hours now (he gets up once in awhile to eat something small)

we have a call into the doctor but in the meantime they have switched around some medications again. his stomach is still a mess-possible GVH (graph vs host). i am not sure what they do about it-i guess we are just playing around with some medications first and if that doesn't work, we will have to see.

had 8th grade open house tonight...overnight company...two field hockey games tomorrow

hopefully we will hear from the doctor in the morning and find out what is going on. i think they are going to go into his stomach and check out the lining...

thanks for checking in...

tim and tammy

Sunday, September 17, 2006

a sleepy day...

...are you jealous? tim has spent 23 out of the last 24 hours in bed!!! not quite sure what is going on yet-his stomach is messed up again. we may have to break down and let them do the scope.

not much to say...he is up now to try some toast and we will see what happens. say a prayer for him today.

yesterday was a great day-today is a bummer day.

BUT atleast we have the great days between the bummer days.

thanks for checking in...i will update when i get a chance.

we are having our computer looked monday morning-thanks bob...hopefully we will be able to find out what ails it. so if i am not on soon-it may be getting repairs.

tim and tammy

ps...was at a softball party today-did you know that one can stuff 8 large marshmellows in ones mouth and still say "fluffy bunny"???? amazing!!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

saturday update...

football anyone??? what else is there on a saturday afternoon...

(except for kelsey's field hockey tournament)

tim is doing well...he was able to catch kelsey's two games and even watched a couple others. he was the lead transportation guy today because i had to work last night and then do concessions this morning and then get some sleep. i go back into work again tonight.

well, hope your weekend is going well-take care and thanks for checking in.

tim and tammy

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

my love of waiting rooms... dwindling. i think i have read every magazine from highlights to teen to maternity to new parents to breast cancer to recipes to fashion to news to senior living. (twice). today ashley and i learned how to make a cake with a blue gelatin swimming pool and slide on top-some people have way too much time on their hands.

i jinx'ed myself today when i told carol that i didn't have much to put in the blog. less than an hour later i got my call from the middle school nurse (they have my number on speed dial). ashley was playing basketball (with a boy) and she rolled her ankle-the gym teacher and half her class heard a POP and so off we go to get it checked. after hours in the waiting room of the doctors office and tristan radiology it was established that there were no broken bones (to the doctors surprise) just severely sprained ligaments (?). all i know is that she is in a lot of pain and has it wrapped (in a flex position) and is now on crutches-again.

we got home just in time to send tim off to his speech therapy appt and as soon as he gets home off to one of the two field hockey games we have tonight.

tomorrow i work until 3:30pm and then i will take a little break and then meet tim at 3:40pm for a clinic appt with the oncologist. he is still not feeling great...hopefully they can figure why his stomach is such a comes and goes.

then the day after i (yes me) have a doctors appt to get refills of my high blood pressure medicine. go figure. it is a wonder i don't drink (more).

so there you have it...a typical day or two in the dewalt household.

thanks for checking in...say a prayer for ashley today. it is hard to play soccer with those crutches and she is definately hurting.

tim and tammy

Monday, September 11, 2006

yet another monday...

well, the weeekend is over and after about 9 field hockey games and 2 travel soccer games we are exhausted. tough getting everyone up this morning-including the grown-ups. but it was a fun weekend-tim felt good enough to make one soccer game and about three field hockey games-so it was a good weekend.

his stomach is not 100% but he is definately showing signs of improvement with these medication changes. other than one minor headache-we seem to have those under control also. today we are going to call to set up the appt for the eye weight to be put in-hopefully we will have our insurance approve an out-patient procedure so that we don't have to go to the hospital's OR to have it done. (they must cringe when they see a request with his name on it)

gotta get the kiddos moving this morning-i guess i should have made a pot or two of coffee-maybe the aroma of the caffiene would get them up.

have a great day and as always thanks for checking in

tim and tammy

Friday, September 08, 2006

after the appt

well, lets start before the appt...tim woke up friday morning without a headache and was able to keep his breakfast down. this was a good sign. infact, by the time we got to the doctors he was actually feeling human again.

we saw the doctor and because he was feeling OK they decided not to do the lumbar puncture or the upper GI scope. we are just to make some medication alterations and keep track of when and how often the headaches come back (if at all).

we go back next week to see him again and unless anything changes-we would like to put the last few days behind us. the doctor probably thinks i am some wacko over-protective wife...but better safe than sorry i guess- all in all we are glad that tim is feeling a bit better today.

thanks for checking in-hope all your friday night football teams won. (unless you are from ehrata tonight)

have a great weekend

tim and tammy

friday update...

sorry for the delay-school is in and we have to battle for computer time in this house...looks like down the road a second computer is going to be a necessity. megan has to submit all her papers on-line before 11:59pm. (they go to some plagerism site and then to the teachers-bizarre)

tim is still struggling with some stomach issues and occasional bad headaches...we have to go in to see the doctor for that this morning...he is less than thrilled. they are talking about an upper GI scope to check out his stomach lining and possible another lumbar puncture (he doesn't know that part-i have to get him there first-bad wife)

i will let you all know what they say after our appt today-we are not sure what they are thinking...i guess we just have to cover all the bases.

thanks for checking in

tim and tammy

ps...thanks go out to uncle mark--tim's brother and donor--he came down for a visit yesterday and ended up mowing our grass and trimming all our trees and the place looks great!!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


well...the last summer holiday is over...and fall is approaching fast.

i hate to rush things, but only two more holidays left and we can put this year behind us.

from a transplant point of view tim is doing great...on a day to day basis he is still struggling a bit. his biggest complaint now is that his stomach is upset a large portion of the time and there doesn't seem to be a pattern or reason (other than the antibiotic maybe) . we can sit down to a dinner that he requested and within one or two bites he is sick. then other times throughout the day he feels YUK too. the headaches are back and probably sinus although he is on lots of sinus meds. we don't have a clue-we are back to one day at a time-and trying to keep the frustration from creeping back. (although sometime i even think enough is enough).

he had bloodwork this morning so we will call tomorrow and get those results along with the MRI results.

the weather has messed up our field hockey games-lots of re-scheduling going on. kelsey has her first game tomorrow afternoon-we hope that we can get that one in.

other than that-same old same old.

thanks for checking in and have a great rest of the day.

tim and tammy

Saturday, September 02, 2006

dreary saturday...

...a great day to take a nap.

tim just popped out to day that he actually slept about 5 hours last night--that has to be a recent record...but i won't tell you which combination of meds i gave him. (he should have slept until tuesday).

well, not much going on for us this weekend-tim's stomach still gets waves of sickness once in a while and i have to work sunday night and monday night for the holiday. we were hoping to make it to berwick this weekend, but i think we are just going to sit tight. (dad's b-day is monday so if you run into bill-wish him a good one).

well, off to switch the wash. take care and have a great weekend.

thanks for checking in

tim and tammy