as the weekend approaches...
...tim is feeling a little better. he has actually been able to keep some food down and has not gotten sick for 24 hours. (just in time for him to go see the doctor and tell him he is feeling fine-i think if he tells him that i might have to intervene with a slide tackle or something).
he has had a rough week...even missed church and two field hockey games so you know that he was not feeling well. the transplant coordinator agreed with our decision to hold off taking out the central line-we have re-scheduled for next friday. hopefully we can figure out what is going on by then. she thinks that it will either be the rapid drop in steroids or graft vs host (apparently they can tell more from the biopsies than the pictures of his stomach and they are not back yet).
well...kinda keeping it "blan" today and hopefully we can get to the hospital and back again without incident.
thanks for all your prayers and comments and e-mails...i someday hope to be able to get some sort of count of all the people who have been with us every step of the way through this process. it gives the term "intercessory prayer" a whole new dimension for me. there is not one day that goes by that i don't have one, two, three or more people tell us that they are now and have been praying for us on a daily basis. and they are not always the same people...i would venture a guess that on any given day we have literally over a hundred people holding our family up in prayer and that gets us through each day. and for that we are so grateful and appreciative-so many days the frustration sets in and all we have to do is talk about the fact that the heavens are being flooded with prayers on our behalf and that with GODS help we are going to get through these rough spots...and we do.
have a great weekend...we have two soccer games and HOPEFULLY a wedding (this will be huge if we can make it there).
thanks to all...for checking in
tim and tammy