
Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Monday, January 29, 2007


such a nice word.

to restore: to bring back to its original condition.

the restoration crew is here to start on the flood repairs today.

to restore: to bring back to good health.

tim went into work this morning...he is planning to try a couple of days this week. say a prayer for him today. he had a horrible headache all day yesterday but feels a bit better today.

we still have times when we feel we are still riding that roller coaster...but all in all things are still improving on a day to day basis.

i am off work today and go back tomorrow and wednesday.

enjoy your day. thanks for checking in.

tim and tammy

Friday, January 26, 2007

friday night...

...and all is well.

the twins are at church winter retreat for the weekend.

meg is at a friends for the night.

tim and i just got home from a nice relaxing dinner out.

susquehanna beat trinity tonight in basketball.

the restoration company is coming on monday to start the repairs on our house.

things almost seem is kinda nice.

have a great weekend.

thanks for checking in.

tim and tammy

ps...tim is OFF that medicine and is feeling a lot better.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

tuesday morning.

good day to all. i am off to work and the kids are off to school...tim is planning on going into work for a few hours also (hopefully).

you know that you should be a little scared when the NEW drug that you have been giving has a disclaimer on it that says: remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects...

he is struggling a bit with some side effects but so far he is opting to stay on the medication for the pain and sensitivity on his side and abdomen.

well, i have to get this crew moving this morning...i go in a little later this morning so i will drop them off at school on my way to work.

other than a few new side effects from this new drug, things are pretty good. i have been trying to get megan to apply at rite-aid to see if they give out employee discounts on drugs...thank GOD for a prescription drug plan...tims last years cost without the plan would have been well over $11,000.00 (not counting all the chemo and meds they gave while he was in the hospital)

oh yes...meg resigned from her first job. i guess they overhired and had enough staff on hand to only give her about 4 hours every two weeks-YUK. infact, just before she quit they hadn't scheduled her for a straight 21 days. but, all in all it was a great experience for her and she liked it. i think she will apply somewhere else soon.

gotta get movin'

thanks for checking in

tim and tammy

Saturday, January 20, 2007

happy weekend

hope you all are having a great weekend.

tim's appt went pretty good. he made a few minor medication changes which hopefully will go smooth and addressed an issue that tim has been struggling with lately. he has had quite a bit of skin sensitivity on his side and abdomen...the doctor is not sure exactly what is causing it but they put him on the same medication that you use for the shingles. (he doesn't think it is shingles, but it is something messing with the nerve endings) hopefully that will help.

tim's bloodwork is holding its own...they are pleased.

my dad's hip replacement was on wednesday and as far as the hip goes, all is good. he was his normal self with some bizarre side effects to medications or something and that delayed him coming home until saturday. tim may try to sneak up and see him this weekend. i have to work third shift so i will sleep most of the weekend away.

well, that is all for now.

thanks for checking in.

tim and tammy

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

wednesday already

just a quick note to say that all is well. i am heading to berwick right after work-at noon today my dad went in for a scheduled hip replacement. so that means that tim is in charge...i should only be gone about 36 hours or so...things should be ok for that long. then i come home and on friday take tim for his doctors appt in hershey.

we will update on the doctors appt and my dad later on this week...thanks for checking in

tim and tammy

Sunday, January 14, 2007

sunday update...

well, a pretty dull week as far as a dewalt week goes. this is a good thing i guess. tim had a really good saturday and we are hoping for a good sunday today. we know that he feels better the more he does, but the hard part is to get him motivated to do anything...yesterday he seemed motivated and that was good.

the kids are still keeping us busy. it is nice having the three day weekend with the holiday on monday. football games are our entertainment on the weekends.

well, i have to get everyone up and around for church.

take care and thanks for checking in.

tim and tammy

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

mid-week update...

not much going on...on monday tim was going to go into work for awhile but they called him and told him that everyone was sick and to stay away. (i was very impressed that they thought to call-way to go pepsi).

he wants the warm weather to come back and me and the kids are jumping up and down when we saw 12 snow flurries yesterday.

restoration company projects about two weeks for the start of repairs. that will be a relief when it is done...we miss having that extra space.

pretty quiet week so far.

thanks for checking in

tim and tammy

Saturday, January 06, 2007

the fans are finally off...

yes, over a week and a half and we are dry. (except for some pages in a photo album and the inside of a few plastic totes we found saturated, we are dry). the itemizing has begun and the house smells a lot better than it a month or so things should be back to semi-normal. having only one TV that has cable in a house of five has been a challenge-UNLESS you like football. there has been A LOT of football!!!! i think the tv downstairs will be one of the first things we go out and replace.

i was able to drag tim to the stem cell transplant support group meeting on thursday night...although it may be too soon to tell, it may have back-fired on me. there were only three post-transplant patients there (three "more mature" women) plus us. because they all knew each other and have been coming to these meetings for years we were kind of the "topic of discussion". i think there was a bit more participation on our part than he wanted. i am not sure that i will be able to get him to go to another one...but i gave it my best shot.

one of the women had to have a hip-replaced because of the steroids and two of the women had the cancer come back and had to have a second transplant and all three of the women have had shingles since their transplant...although they STRESS the fact that they are so lucky to be ALIVE and love and appreciated each day they was still difficult for him to hear all the "post-transplant" down the road struggles that these women have had. i think next month we may go out for hot fudge sundaes instead of the meeting!!!!

well, i have to get ashley to the church to help at a bible quiz meet. have a great weekend and thanks for checking in.

tim and tammy

ps...BIG NEWS...tim got his first haircut yesterday!!!!!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

happy new year...

well, we have made it 4 days into the new year and nothing bizarre has occurred!!

i am off work for a few days and that should give me a chance to itemize all the rest of the water-damaged items for the insurance company.

fred is coming down for the day...and after he leaves i am going to try and convince tim to go with me to a stem-cell transplant support group meeting. (he doesn't know it yet) i think he NEEDS to talk to someone who he feels can understand what he is going through...this is a group that meets in hershey once a month that consist of people who have had transplants, who may have transplants in the future, who spouses have had transplants (some sucessful and some not) and is led by a social worker/counselor type person. i have gone once before his transplant and it was very good for me-i think it will be good for him too. (wish me luck)

out with the old-er and in with the new-er. our new pastor started last night-his "official" first day is this sunday. we like him. this has been a hard transistion for tim also...we are very ready for "slow and steady" and "boring blogs" too.

as far as tims physical health is concerned...all is well. infact...all is great!! he has been exposed to some really crappy stuff the last couple of weeks and he has avoided colds, coughs, stomach virus's...he done good!!! thanks for all your prayers in that direction!!! we need to keep him healthy through this winter...

as far as the is still drying. we thought it was dry but the moisture measuing stick showed different...hopefully soon. it will be a month or so before the restoration part can take forms and this adjuster and that adjuster and stuff like that takes time i guess.

well, gotta get the kids up and moving...take care and thanks for checking in.

tim and tammy