well, we have made it 4 days into the new year and nothing bizarre has occurred!!
i am off work for a few days and that should give me a chance to itemize all the rest of the water-damaged items for the insurance company.
fred is coming down for the day...and after he leaves i am going to try and convince tim to go with me to a stem-cell transplant support group meeting. (he doesn't know it yet) i think he NEEDS to talk to someone who he feels can understand what he is going through...this is a group that meets in hershey once a month that consist of people who have had transplants, who may have transplants in the future, who spouses have had transplants (some sucessful and some not) and is led by a social worker/counselor type person. i have gone once before his transplant and it was very good for me-i think it will be good for him too. (wish me luck)
out with the old-er and in with the new-er. our new pastor started last night-his "official" first day is this sunday. we like him. this has been a hard transistion for tim also...we are very ready for "slow and steady" and "boring blogs" too.
as far as tims physical health is concerned...all is well. infact...all is great!! he has been exposed to some really crappy stuff the last couple of weeks and he has avoided colds, coughs, stomach virus's...he done good!!! thanks for all your prayers in that direction!!! we need to keep him healthy through this winter...
as far as the house...it is still drying. we thought it was dry but the moisture measuing stick showed different...hopefully soon. it will be a month or so before the restoration part can take place...insurance forms and this adjuster and that adjuster and stuff like that takes time i guess.
well, gotta get the kids up and moving...take care and thanks for checking in.
tim and tammy