...get what you thought was "good" news in a way that you have no idea if it was really "good" in the first place?? we had a very frustrating doctors appt yesterday...we are still processing it ourselves so i will try to be as clear as i can.
good news: the endoscopy biopsies came back negative
doctors comments: very inconclusive as to why you are the way you are...they should do an internal ultrasound of the esophagus and get more deeper biopsies from behind the webbing.
good news: the ear is all stitched up and healing nice
doctors comments: many lymphoma patients get other types of cancer that can spread-we should probably discuss radiation therapy because of it being so close to lymph glands.
good news: all the test are over we can get off the lovenox shots and back on the coumadin
doctors comments: probably having more tests-stay on the lovenox.
this list is by no means a complete list of the frustration we felt yesterday but it is just to give you an idea why the biopsy results came back negative but we are not jumping for joy (yet).
we do not see the oncologist for another three weeks (that might be the best news we got)...in the interim we are to follow-up with the dermatologist and the GI guy after he talks to them.
i don't like feeling the way we do today...i know we should learn to relax and remember that GOD is in control and take each little positive thing we get and hang on to it...but it was really hard this time. it was like tim went through all that "stuff" and we are still no farther ahead than we were before.
but...the sun is going to come up again today and that is a good thing. the kids are running around getting ready for "mix-match" day...what a riot!!! i hope they get some pictures. this is "spirit" week at the high school and the kids are having a blast. i am getting ready to leave for work and tim is working today too. life really is good...
thanks for checking in.
tim and tammy