almost december already...
i think this month flew by...maybe because it was so uneventful with tims "stuff". i actually felt it was a bit many of you know he is STILL having problems with his esophagus and swallowing plus in the morning his mouth and tongue are a mess (thank goodness for morphine). his oncologist says go back to the GI people so we did and they piddled around and now we FINALLY have another scope (with an internal ultrasound) scheduled for December 10th. they had tried changing one of his medications but that didn't help at all and they even tried a new medication but that just made him very nauseous and gave him an upset stomach. (we have 117 doses of that medicine left that will probably go down the drain).
so...we see the oncologist on dec 5th and the scope/ultrasound is on dec 10th.
tim was able to spend all day monday searching for bambi's daddy but only saw doe. he is working and can still function and pretty much do what he wants but he is very uncomfortable when he eats and drinks. it is hard to fatten him up when he goes home for thanksgiving and LOSES weight. pray that this scope shows them which direction to go with a treatment that will give him some relief. the oncologist still thinks it is lymphoma related and the GI guy is not convinced...we are at the point where the name is not that important...we just need it fixed!!!
everyone else here is good...i have a few days off and will hopefully be able to get some christmas shopping done.
thanks for checking in.
tim and tammy