
it is now totally official...i got the full-time job
i got the job i wanted
i got it when i wanted it
i found out today at 3:35pm that i officially started yesterday...kinda odd but good
so why do i feel so overwhelmed...perhaps because i am petrified.
trying to be a decent single parent (ie supermom)
trying to keep a household together
trying to maintain my head above water doing all those things that need to be done
trying to diet and exercise (which by the way has kinda taken a little "holiday")
i am really petrified.
i told someone today it was time that i grew up and became the responsible one...but i never said i was going to have to like it.
i am thrilled that i got this job...the timing was perfect. thanks for all your prayers.
i now have very affordable health insurance, dental insurance, and vision insurance
i now have double my income since i am working double the hours
i now have partially paid tuition at PSU for megan
i now have extra vacation days
i now have paid holidays
i now have colitis
my head is spinning...i have such mixed feelings about this whole transition into full-time work. but it was time and i knew it was time...i am just a little nervous about the whole thing.
keep me in your prayers as i jump head first into this new joining the multitudes of single parents in the full-time working world somehow making it work out just fine.
more details of my new position to follow once all the details are hashed out.
thanks for checking in
Wow, we never considered offering colitis here at Berwick Dental Arts. What a bonus! Congratulations!!
You can do all things through Him who gives you strength!!! So, walk on girl!!
We know the "colitis" well. Congrats on your job. God is able to keep you and sustain you and the girls. He is good. We will miss you on Christmas as you are working. Will see you soon.
Jim and Judy
Yahoo!!! Congrats on the new job!!! His timing is perfect, even colitis???? You will make the transition to full-time everything just fine, with the Lorde's help. You go girl!!!
Congratulations on getting the full-time position.
Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Congratulations. I am so very happy for your good news. Just so you know we will be thinking and praying for you and your family this holiday season. Love, The Doyles
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