our last blog entry of 2006
i am sitting here at my now dry but messy, dusty, dirty, smelly house thinking "what could i possibly write in this last blog of 2006"? the twins are at an all-nighter at church, meg is at a friends house, tim is at a friends house to sleep because of the mold issues and i am home...and it is still a "HAPPY NEW YEAR".
i was looking through some stuff and came upon a quote from hubert humphrey "it is not what they take away from you that counts. it's what you do with what you have left." and it came to me that this is so true in many aspects of our lives. tim and i talked tonight and spent some time looking back over 2006 and spent some time looking forward to 2007. in one years time our family has been through some very challenging times, but at no time were we ready to give up and quit. sure, we have had our frustrating times and our sad times and our scary times but we have been able to hold on to our faith and each other and get through one day at a time.
we have determined to continue tackling one day at a time and then go to bed and get up in the morning and tackle another day. (who knows, maybe some day we will even be sleeping in the same house). the year has been interesting.
as this year leaves and the next year arrives may you all know how important you have been to our family. have a great new year.
tim and tammy
"a sense of humor...is needed armor. joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life". hugh sidey