the roller coaster of life...
well...monday has come and monday has gone.
the doctors appt went VERY WELL...he seems pleased with tims progress and is willing to start making some changes to his routine. he thinks it is time to see how tim does "on his own" which means living without the fluids and stuff that he gets in the day hospital every three days or so. he is going to need to have bloodwork done every 48 hours to monitor his labs but this is a good thing. we are a little nervous about the "cold turkey" but as long as they are having him go in every two days for labs i guess we will be fine.
he also said that he would be willing to try to get him off the LOVENOX which is the very expensive medication (shots) that he takes for his blood clot. we are switching him over to coumadin...they are hoping to be able to make the switch within the next 7-10 days. this would mean a savings of about $420 a month...this is a good thing too.
so why the roller coaster...because even though we had a good appt and things are heading in the right direction he had a REALLY CRAPPY night last night...felt achey and his stomach was a mess and had the chills. it is about 5am and i just talked to him and he seems a little better this morning...but pray for him when you get up this morning...i am off to work and will check up on him a bit later on this morning. (meg thinks he just gets feeling better and over-does it a bit...she may be right...we will see) it just gets have good news and want to feel good and can't. day at a time!!!!
well...thanks for checking in
tim and tammy