this will be my last blog entry before christmas. tim and i both work on monday and we are heading to berwick on tuesday for a couple of days. we "almost" have our shopping done...i figure it wouldn't be fun if we didn't have to go out in the last final moments to shop.
this was a year that we had to cut back on the amount of gift giving a bit and the kids have seemed fine with that concept. (very fine infact...they are growing up so fast) tim is still pouting because i refused to spend the money or the time on the usual 180-200 christmas cards we used to send out...but i just didn't have to "umph" to do it this year. (he may never grow up)
as usual we find ourselves looking back at the past and examining the present and find that we are STILL SO BLESSED>>> everytime we step around a corner there seems to be someone there just waiting to bless our family...kinda bizarre. the other day a "secret santa" blessed our family while we were out and my father-in-law was with brought tears to his eyes!!! while holding back his tears he told us that he hopes that someday he would be able to bless someone else the way he was blessed that day. then tim called me a couple of days later to tell me that someone else had blessed our family and he couldn't wait to get home to tell me...he had to call me right away...GOD IS GOOD!!
we are surrounded by such LOVE and SUPPORT and FRIENDSHIP...thank you.
tim is getting through this holiday season feeling pretty decent...the steroids have started to show a slight improvement in his swallowing and he has been able to cut back a bit on his pain meds. he is struggling a bit with the side effects of the steroids but i guess to get one thing fixed you often have to mess with something else. the tumor in his arm has shrunk a bit and is causing him no pain right we enter into this holiday week doing "OK".
he has an MRI scheduled for this saturday, dec 29th and that is to check on the arm tumor. we then have a follow up with the surgeon on jan 3rd and back to oncologist on jan 7th. keep praying that the arm tumor is not malignant. the fact that it is shrinking is making everyone think that it is the lymphoma but until they know for sure we can still pray for a miracle that it be gone!!!
well it is 4am and i am just roaming around the house...looking forward to going to church in a few hours...meg is singing in the morning service...we are so proud of her and all that she is. with all her school work and her job and her 5 or 6 clubs she is in...she still takes the time to help out in a sunday school class and take nursery duty and sing solo's in church...she is a good kid.
well...i wanted to dress this blog up a bit and add a tree or a wreath but i don't think i can...the kids (my computer support) are all asleep and i probably shouldn't wake them for that.
hope you all have a blessed holiday season. remember the reason for the season and don't sweat the small stuff!!!
thanks for checking in.
tim and tammy