i can't really say that this song "blessed assurance" was a favorite song, but i have to admit that recently i can't seem to get the lyrics out of my mind and it is becoming one of my favorites.
it is hard for me to describe all the emotions that are going on inside my head these past few weeks...just think about it:
the twins turned 16
megan graduated from high school
the twins are learning how to drive
meg's big graduation party is on this saturday
the twins are learning how to drive
meg scheduled all her classes for the fall semester on monday
the twins are learning how to drive
i wrote my first check to "PSU" on monday
the twins are learning how to drive
and it is fathers day...
i would imagine that most of you haven't even noticed that you can not turn on the television without seeing ads for fathers day. you can not go out to the store without seeing sales for fathers day. the card racks are full of singing fathers day cards. it makes me sad. sad because for the next 40+ fathers days his girls will not be able to get that "perfect" card or "perfect" shirt for dad.
every now and then i will get out some of the letters that friends and family have written me and this morning i happened to come across a letter from one of the HMC employees that used to spend a significant amount of time with tim when he was in and out of the hospital. i hope she doesn't mind that i tell you all what a portion of that letter said:
Dear Tammy, Kelsey, Ashley, and Megan,...I really enjoyed talking with Tim and hearing all about you girls and how he loved going to the games and being so involved even the late night sleepovers. What a dad! Since my dad was never there for any of those things, I am in awe when I see a dad with such devotion....i never knew anyone who dipped their pancakes in eggs. Interesting!...I also have to think of a conversation that comes to mind. He was telling me about this little boy and how he asked his grandfather to put him on his shoulders so he could see over a fence. The boy wanted to see the whole picture on the other side of the fence, and Tim said he wanted to see the whole picture as well. Now he can. ...I hope you can rest a little easier with the assurance of knowing that you took such wonderful care of Tim and that he is now with his Heavenly Father. ...ps. I will continue to push Pepsi products to all who will hear it. I am so glad that they took such great care of your family, and that says a lot about them as a company.this was just a portion of the letter and i have received many very similar ones that often times keep me going some days...thank you for sending them.
what more can i say...he was a great dad and this blog is sort of a "in memory of..." kinda blog. so if you have any "i remember when..." stories please pass them along and i will forward them to the kids.
back to that song that started this whole thing...many times a song will pop into my head and many times i know that it is not just a coincidence. there are times when the lyrics are just what i need for that moment. look at these:
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!Heir of salvation, purchase of God,Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
Refrain:This is my story, this is my song,Praising my Savior all the day long;This is my story, this is my song,Praising my Savior all the day long.
Perfect submission, perfect delight,Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;Angels, descending, bring from aboveEchoes of mercy, whispers of love.
Perfect submission, all is at rest,I in my Savior am happy and blest,Watching and waiting, looking above,Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
not that i wish to rush getting there...but it sure is NICE to KNOW that without a shadow of doubt that i have the assurance that one day i too will be with my Heavenly Father and reunite with tim.
thanks for checking in